Strange Love Fest

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Kamryn's POV:

I wake up with my head in Niall's lap, then I feel as if I could vomit, so I bolt off into the bathroom.

Savannah's POV:

I awake with my head rested upon Harry's hard, muscular stomach. I was woken by Harry's snoring and Kamryn vommiting.

I groan and go to get up, on accident my hand endning up on Harry's dick, and I push up to stand.

"Oh god." He says, sitting up, the most painful look plastered upon his face.

"Oh, oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I exclaim.

"I-it's okay," He says, cringing.

I offer a sympethitic smile and go to check on Kamryn to find her in the bathroom wiping her face off with a towel.

"You're so hungover" I state.

"No shit I'm hungover."

"Well good morning to you too.."

"Morning." She said with a serious face

"I hope you fall off a cliff."

"I hope you step on a lego."

"Wow, that's gone too far." I say.

"I know, I'm sorry." Kamryn says.

"Ahem," Liam says, clearing his thraot. "If you two are done with this strange love fest, I need to pee."

"Well then go!" Kamryn says, Her and I walking out of the bathroom.

"Thank God!" Liam says, swiftly going into the bathroom.

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