New start

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I woke up 3 days later in hospital, a nurse informs a doctor that I had woken up the doctor come in to the room and before he could say anything I asked him were Kyle was he told me not to worry that he's in the next room, the doctor then went on to explain what happened and sent a nurse to bring Kyle in to see me, as the doctor left the room he asked me if I was okay for visitors I nodded hesitantly and 4 tall men came into my room wearing blue lifeguard shirts they looked familiar but I couldn't remember them one of them introduced himself and the other 3 as well-" Hi I'm Deanno and this is Jesse, Maxi and whippet" they all said "hi" in unison. I looked at them for a minute before Kyle breaks the silence and runs over to Maxi and hugs him, I snap out of the daydream and tell the my name "hi my name is Summer and well this is my little brother Kyle that seems to already know you". Deanno smiles and sits in the chair next to my bed whiles the other boys talk to Kyle, " can you remember what happened" Deanno asked. " if I'm honest the last thing I remember hearing voices telling that I would be fine and then waking up in hospital 3 days latter". Deanno then went on to explain that I had been swiped off a sand band and drowned they had to shook me twice to get my heart started when they finally managed to get it going and I regained a bit of consciousness I was asking for Kyle which took them a while to find him when they did maxi who's one of the lifeguards that saved me took him up here were nurses have been looking after him.

The doctor came in whilst the boys were still in and told me I was ready to be discharged, heard a voice ask "we're do you live summer" I turn round to see who asked and it was maxi he was tall with blonde hair and beautiful eyes I replied with " a five minute walk from the beach down at Bondi" he looked at me and offered to give Kyle and I a lift home as he lives near us. The other guys left and Maxi took Kyle into the next room so I could get changed and get my stuff ready before I left the doctor had some questions about my health he just wanted to know if I had enough insulin as he read on my chart that I had type 1 diabetes he gave me some extra just in case as I explained that all my insulin was in my bag at the beach.

I strayed Kyle in to the back of the car and I sat in the front with maxi we sat in awkward silence till I heard maxi ask were we where from. " sco...Scotland were from Scotland" I said with my voice cracking. The topic then changed to where my were I replied honestly " well 6 days ago I packet our bags grabbed the passports and the money I had been saving up and got on the first flights to Sydney to get away from the abusive household we lived in" I stayed while trying to fight back the tears but they manage to escape and stream down my face, we arrive outside my house and i thank maxi for everything, saving my life, giving me a ride home I give him I hug and stable out of the car I fall to the ground as my legs are too weak maxi jumps out the car and helps me to the front door Kyle isn't very far behind I open the door and thank maxi again, I drag my limp body through the front door looking back at maxi and smiling. Latter that night I couldn't help but think about the people that saved my life so I decided the nest day I would buy them something to show them my gratitude I fell asleep thinking about maxi and how good he was with Kyle.

I woke up bright and early and unpacked all my things from the hospital the day before I found a little pice of paper with maxis name and phone number on it with the message " if you need someone to talk to or help you just text or call no matter the time" my eyes filled up with tears but I held them back I made some pancakes for Kyle and woke him up so he could eat them. We ran out the house to the shops we were in that much of a rush I almost forgot to bring my insulin with me, we ran down to the shops to look for something to buy the boys i didn't know what to buy them so I bought a case of bear chocolate and a thank you card in it I wrote in my terrible hand writing " thank you for shaving my life and looking after my litle brother also for coming to visit me in the hospital I'm very grateful if it wasn't for your saving me Kyle wouldn't have anyone, thanks you so much summer" my litle brother water to write something on it as well so I let him he wrote " thanks for saving my big sis I love her very much".

I walked to the tower before I could knock on the door a man opened it and startled me I take a deep breath as I got a fright "sorry, how can I help you" he said I looked at him for a couple of seconds before I placed up the courage to reply "I'm looking for the people that saved my life and came to see me in hospital" the man looked at me for a minute before letting me in " io Deanno you have a visitor get the other three as well" he showed back at the boys, maxi was first to see me and embraced me into a hug then the other three came down and hugged me as well. "What you doing here" Jesse asked " I just came to give you these I'm very thankful for what your done for me and Kyle and well I just want to show my gratitude" I see the boys look at me with big smiles on there face they all look so handsome in their uniforms, Deanno comes down and takes the things off me and opens the card his smile grows even wider if that was even possible he passes it round the boys and comes and give me another hug followed by maxi Jesse and whippet.

As I was leaving the tower maxi ran after me screaming " summer, wait hold on a minute" I stop so he can catch up he has my drawing pad " we're did you find it" I exclaimed before he could answer it I cut him off " I've been looking for this all over the place" he smiled at us for a while before " your really good at drawing if you dint mind me saying we found it on the beach after you had been rescued, I looked at the drawing there's one of the beach with all the people and there also one of one of the boys doing a rescue there awesome" I blushed as he complemented my drawings we stood in awkward silence until he broke it with "'s my day off tomorrow if you wanting to do something like grab a coffee"
I look at him "em yeas but I emm Kyle I dint have anyone to look after ..." Before I could finish he cut me off " it's fine he can come with us well go to the soft play so he can have some fun" I nodded and we exchanged phone numbers, before I walked away he shouted " I'll get you at 1 if that's okay" i shouted back " see you then" that night I was so nervous I don't most of night making scenarios in my head till I finally fell asleep.

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