Chapter One

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"Look! It's Wonwoo!!" My friend yelled. Everyone, except me of course, looked. We were all gathered around the basketball court, while the guys were playing b-ball and well, the girls were either watching the guys, or doing what we were suppose to do.

"Wow! He's so good at playing! Ah! Jinjja!" My classmate sighed.

"Oh– He's coming this way! Act natural!" Another yelled.

My name is Choi Haneul and I absolutely despise the wretched Jeon Wonwoo. My best friend over here is named, Wo Seunghee. I gritted my teeth together as he waved at the girls, then returning to his game. Why does everyone like him! What's so special about him?

"Haneul, you just need to give him a chance. He likes people and people like him."

"But why is he so annoying?"

"What has he done that's annoying?" She questioned, even though she knew the answer.

"Nothing! That's the problem! He's like the living Prince Charming every girl looks for but there's just something about him that's off. And I don't like it!"

"See, that's the problem. You always jump to conclusions. Remember that Kim Mingyu guy from when we were in kindergarten? You said he was a giant in disguise. He turned out to be a cool kid with extra growth hormones."

"Well, I still think he's weird. He's still tall, look at him! Does he ever stop growing?" I asked sarcastically, looking at him shooting a hoop.

"Ah Haneul. One day, you're going to need to stop doing that. You'll hurt yourself." Returning back to the other girls, she sat down next to them. Groaning, I folded my arms together and buried my face into my knees– only for my head to be an easy target. My head was slapped with from a ball. A basketball, to be precise. Hard.

"Ow!!!" I yelled, obviously in pain. "The hell?! Who threw that?!" The crowd went silent. "My gosh! You have the nerve to throw that but not fess up?! Ugh!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Everyone heard. Whipping my head towards the voice, my eyes widened. Everyone was looking at each other, some exchanging a few whispers. "I-I didn't mean too."

"What's your name?" I asked, walking towards him. His body was small, weak– I could easily break him in two. "L-Lee Chan......"

I eyed him up and down, a smirk plastered on my face. Raising my arm up, about to bring it back down, it was stopped by another hand. "I think that's enough. You're already scaring the poor kid"

The girls gasped as they saw him.

Tch. Jeon Wonwoo.

"Let go of me" I demanded.

"Not unless you promise me you won't hurt him." I could hear all the girls sighing over his heroic action but honestly, it just pissed me off even more. Jerking my hand away, I stared at Lee Chan. "I don't have to promise anything." I walked away and just before I got to the door, I turned my head, saying, "Besides, I wasn't going to hurt the kid. I'm not that cold-hearted." I slammed the door and just walked away.

Heh. So, is that really how Jeon Wonwoo acts? We'll see about that. There's no way someone like that can truly exist without a back story....... And I'm going to find out what it is.


Class was about to start when the girls began sighing. I guess I know who's here.... I thought as I ruffled my hair. I don't give a sh*t about my appearance, I just look this good. I looked out the window because– that's my only escape from this living hell.

"Alright class! Today, we'll be exchanging seats!" My teacher sang. Oh how she loved doing this. Not only for the fun of it, but because she could always sense that there was some kind of grudge between us students.

"Ah! Sonsaengnim! Could I sit next to Wonwoo??" A girl dared to ask. In the corner of my eye, I could see Wonwoo chuckle.

"No! I call the shots, now sit down!" She began writing the pairings on the chalkboard while my eyes were pretty much fixated on the clouds. It was.......peaceful. "Alright," my teacher started, "Everyone, pick up your things and go to your new arranged seat." I did as so and walked to the board and widened my eyes.

"H-Heh...... S-Sonsaengnim..... I-I'm not really sitting next to him, right?"

"Look" she said as she pulled me aside. "I know you don't like him but I have to be fair. Besides, if I put him next to another girl, she won't pay attention in class, you're my only hope, Haneul."

"You could always just sit him next to a guy" I growled.

"I've already made him sit to all the guys in the class. Plus, I gave you a window seat. It won't be that bad. Just give him a chance, hm? ^^"

"Why is everyone saying that?" I mumbled as I began walking away toward my new seat. I'm the teacher's favourite– no doubt about that, but I hate the fact that I have to sit by him.

Looking at him, I slammed my bag down and just plopped into the chair. I just won't talk to him. That way, I don't need to become friends with him. I shivered just thinking about it.

"Hi, I'm Jeon Wonwoo ^^" he started. Here we go....... I didn't even look at him.

"Yeah, I know who you are."

"Aha..... I see. I remember seeing you in the gym. What's your name?"

"Look. I'm not interested in becoming friends with you. We're just seat mates, nothing else!" I shot back, a little too loud.

"Choi Haneul! Sit down and pay attention!" Sonsaengnim yelled. I hadn't even realised that I stood up. Wonwoo smiled as he watched me. Oh how I just wanted to punch him.

"So, Choi Hanuel's your name?" He questioned.

Great..... Thanks Sonsaengnim.

"So, you must be Choi Hansol's older sister. I've been wanting to meet you." [A/N: Okay, I know Vernon doesn't have a older sister but let's pretend ^^ For the story's sake]

Normally, if I was another girl who fan-girled over this guy, that probably would have killed me. But, too bad I'm not. "Well, now that you have, you can go on about your business." I said.

"Hm ^^ You're funny. I think I'm growing quite fond of you, Choi Haneul."

"Yeah? I think I'm growing quite the opposite"

So, that's how my first day with Wonwoo went. I'm not proud of it, I could have scolded him a lot more but hey, I'm a better person than that. Maybe in the future, I won't have to be around him so much. He has his group of people, I have mine.


A/N: ^^ Chapter One!!!!!!!! Surprisingly, this came out better than I expected. 🤔 I do admit, it's missing a bit of.... something. Well, I hope it's getting you hooked! Thanks for reading! Bye loves! ✌🏻️

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