Why only me?

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Why only me? Huh? Why? Sure I may have been a stuck up in the ass jerk at times, but that doesn't constitute for your silence. I go on KoM to see if I have ANY messages, but no, the only messages I fricking have are attack reports of random people attacking my cities. Sure, they're full up to at 2 million rss, but do I get anything in my NORMAL inbox?? A simple "hey Hunter, how's it going? Sure you're not on a lot, but that's normal life. I miss you" or something similar. But NO it's fricking EMPTY, cause ABSOLUTELY NO ONE fricking cares. It's a forget-you-never-talk-to-you world. Sure we had good times in the past, same alliances, we followed each other on wattpad, which by the way, my wattpad inbox is ALSO empty because you both don't care anymore. You both know who you are, heck I even FRIENDED one of you through LINE do you think I get a "hey how's it going?" Message every now and then?? NO I don't. One of you, will probably blame your phone breaking or here's a rather popular excuse from you: the wifi went out/ is bad. And your both probably not even going to read this, so why am I putting up? Here's why: it's cause unlike you two, I actually still care and want to know how your life's been recently, so I am actually going to redownload LINE just to message the one of you. Even though frankly I don't why I even try. Maybe I'll just go end it all, because none of my friends in this life even care. And yes, I did attack your city Ramses, cause I was trying to get your fucking attention by blowing your phone up with notifications, SINCE WATTPAD DOESNT SEEM TO BE DOING IT FOR ME!!

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