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"Well, it was really nice meeting you, Markob. It's great to see Amanda blushing again," Bethany giggled, seeing yet another blossom of color cross Amanda's cheeks. She must really like this guy. Bethany had never seen her best friend so smiley and giddy.

Markob Jakobie seemed like a perfect gentleman, too. He wore the most obnoxiously bright polo shirts Bethany had ever seen, but other than that, she had no complaints towards him. He was kind, respectful, and obviously adored her friend. His jokes made her laugh, and he laughed at her jokes too, which always put the most adorable grin on her face.

Bethany found it difficult to believe he had anything to do with the FBI. Sure, he was muscular and obviously full of confidence in his brute strength, but he was such a sweet person that it was hard to picture him arresting someone, or worse yet, killing them.

They said their goodbyes, and Amanda gave Markob a kiss. Bethany had to look away. She missed kisses so much.

No, not true. She missed Hunter's kisses.

Amanda helped Bethany into her car, and then swung around the car into the driver's seat. Before she had even clicked her seatbelt into its socket, she turned to Bethany with a look of hesitation.

"So...what did you think of him?"

Bethany let her face fall, and watched as Amanda's did as well. Then she laughed at how easily fooled her friend was and replied, "He's amazing, Amanda."

She squealed and slapped Bethany's shoulder.

"Bethany Hayes, don't you scare me like that!"

They both realized her mistake in the two seconds after it left her lips, and the awkwardness in the car exploded. Amanda turned her attention to her seatbelt, and she studiously plugged it in and put the car in reverse.

"So, um," she started, not looking at Bethany. "Where did you say you needed to go?"

"The recording studio. I'm meeting the guys there."

Amanda laughed, trying to break the tension. "Why do they need you there? You aren't going to be on the record, are you?"

Bethany shook off her discomfort and laughed, too. No reason to be freaked out by a little mistake, right?

Though Bethany Hayes still sounded so perfect.

"No, I'm not going to be on the record. They just wanted me to be there to get them coffee and give suggestions and stuff like that. Plus, while they're in the booth, Ned and I are going to spitball some new tour ideas."

Amanda nodded. "I see."

A long moment of silence ensued, but when they got stuck in traffic, Amanda hesitantly turned to her and ran a hand over her short hair.

"So, Beth...can I poke the bear here?"

Bethany took a deep breath. She was going to ask about Hunter; she just knew it. But she had promised herself she would be completely honest with Amanda, since she was trying to regain her trust and friendship. So, reluctantly, she nodded.

"Why are you back here? I mean, you and know how much I love you two together. But he's not shown any interest in starting things back up, has he?"

Bethany looked down and shook her head sadly. No, Hunter had been civil, but it was obvious when he looked at her that he was over it. There was nothing between them to salvage, and Bethany was having a hard time dealing with that.

"Then why are you doing this to yourself? You have a great resume. You've worked with both Hunter Hayes and Skillet; I'm sure you could find work somewhere else. Why torture yourself like this?"

Two Steps Back (Hunter Hayes fanfic Bk.3)Where stories live. Discover now