Makin' Plans

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Keliegh Pov

" This morning was quiet as usual while my baby was getting ready upstairs I'm cooking brakefast, today is sausage biscuits with hash browns "

" Here comes the verbal abuser, he has no idea what I have planned for him, I'm tired of feeling like I have to stay with him just because I don't have egnough money just yet', fuck him, I can do bad all by myself, I don't need him no more "

" I'm done with this shit "


" You don't wanna' talk about it " Demetrius said.

" Do you know how it makes me feel when you say the things you say, when you do the stupid petty things you do, I'm younger than you and I'm even acting like that mature adult I am, I'm so fucking tired of you, if you can't be a man and accept me for who I am, me and my daughter will be out your hair today " Keliegh said.

" Ok I'm sorry, I promise I'mma' try to do right by you, I feel like I'm losing you and I can't let that happen, I do love you I just don't love the way you be looking sometimes " Demetrius

" I don't give two fucks about the way you feel about how I look, I'm tired of you having control over my confidence, I'm tired of my daughter watching me suffer, she doesn't deserve that, just know if I cheat on you I won't regret one minute of it you put me through too much and I'm tired of it talking bout' you don't wanna' loose me, Demetrius Betton it's too damn late, you lost me, when you get here from wherever you be coming from me and Kiley will be gone by the time yo' sorry ass get back, I've been wanting to say this for a long time " Keliegh said.

" Say what, you got something to say, say it " Demetrius said standing up walking towards her getting a littke bit too close.

Keliegh began to step back getting closer and close towards the pentry doors

" I hate you " Keliegh said.

" You really mean that or are you just talking outta' anger " Demetrius said walking closer.

Keliegh finally touched the balcony doors

" Move " Keliegh said.

" Or else what " Demetrius said getting serious.

" You ain't gonna' hit me, if you really was a punk ass you would've done it by now, unless you gonna' be about it get the fuck out my face, I'm done with you, the wedding is off and I'm keeping this ring, after everything you put me through, oh' no I earned this shit and I can't wait to sell it " Keliegh said taking it off.

" Give me that ring " Demetrius said getting mad.

" Eat my ass, you ain't getting shit " Keliegh said walking away.

Demetrius snatched her back slamming her back on the pentry doors

Keliegh hurt her head

Before Demetrius could lay another finger on her

Keliegh grabbed a knife stabbing Demetrius in the shoulder

" Fuck " Demetrius said finna' back slap her.

Keliegh jumped out the way

" You must've forgot I let nobody put their hands on me in a way I don't like, you thought I'm one of those weak bitches think again, the only weak bitch up in here is you " Keliegh said walking away not looking back.

A huge weight had just been lifted off her shoulder

Keliegh no longer had to deal with verbal abuse and her daughter no longer had to hear her mom cry

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