Chapter 1

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"'How to get a girl?' are you being serious right now? Do you think this will sell to the market?"His annoyed boss asked, throwing the article at the table.

"And why would they not be interested?"He asked back, clenching his jaw.

"First Liam, your article consists of flirting with girls and getting rid of them after we, guys get what we want. Do you think they would be interested in an article who teach guys to be an asshole?"The tall man replied, calm but firm.

He rolled his eyes and grab the article from his boss' desk.

"We are already in the 21st Century Ash. Chilvary was long dead, we've been informed"He told him before standing up and head towards the door.

"Does the fact that not all men are like you ever crossed your mind?"His boss asked again, crossing his arms in his chest just before he could get a hold of the door knob. 

"Men like who? Like you, Mr. Cole?"Liam asked, smiling smugly at his boss.

"The men who are good and faithful because they exist, Liam"His boss answered, looking up at him. 

"Oh but it's man's nature brother, we can never resist temptations, they are everywhere"He said and grin before opening the door. "Are you gonna publish this or not?"He added.

"I'll think about it. But seriously, think of something new. Something that isn't so childish like that one in your hand"His boss said, walking towards the liquor section and pour himself a glass of whiskey.

"Yeah, whatever man"He replied and went off, shaking his head. He went back to his office and just when he's about to close the door behind him, he heard a voice spoke.

"Hey baby"The seductive voice said. He turned around and look at the woman sitting comfortably in his swivel chair.

"Hey"He greeted awkwardly, trying to remember her name. He saw the girl rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Claire"She said, making him chuckle.

"Of course, Claire. Uh, what are you doing here?"He asked, frowning as the girl continue walking seductively towards him.

The girl didn't respond. The moment she reached him, she pulled his tie and before he could decline, the girl ripped her clothes off, showing off her front view.

He gulp.

Temptations are everywhere indeed. He reckons.


He woke up by the loud sound of his phone ringing, without even bothering to open his eyes, he answered.


"Liam Payne! Where in hell are you?"The person on the other line shouted, making him distance his phone from his ear.

He opened his eyes and looked at the Caller ID. Ashley Cole.

"Hey bro, what's up?"He asked.

"Don't you 'hey bro, what's up' me Payne! I swear to god I'll break your door. I'm knocking here for ages! Open the damn door!"He said, clearly irritated.

Liam frowned, he can hear him knocking over the phone but no one's knocking on his door.

He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing an unfamiliar girly like room. Then, to the girl sleeping peacefully beside her, naked.

He lay back and sigh.

"Hey! Open the door!"He heard him said again at the end of the line.

"I'm not there bro, you're wasting your time"He replied and chuckled.

"Oh for fuck sake, Liam!"He said frustratedly and the call ended.

He shakes his head, also disappointed of himself. He carefully get up, not wanting to wake the woman up who he doesn't even recognized if she was the girl from his office or not. He got pretty drunk from the other night that he couldn't even remember what happened.

He silently picked up his clothes from the floor and wore them, not wanting to make a sound. He was about to go out when he remembered his car keys.

"Shit"He hissed before going back in, looking around to look for his car keys but it's no where in sight.

"Looking for this?"A voice asked behind. He took a deep breath and turn around.

The girl was awake, obviously. And she's holding up his keys, wiggling them infront of him. He smiled at her and tried to take the keys but the girl won't let go of it.

"Not so fast baby"She said and hold the keys tighter.

"I have to go"He said, trying to get it.

"Breakfast with me?"She asked, biting her lips seductively.

"No thank you"He answered and grab the keys off her hand.

The girl let out a giggle and shook her head.

"But, uh- I had fun..."He said, trying to remember her name.

"Kath"She replied, rolling her eyes.

So she's not the girl from my office then. He reckons.

"Of course, Kath. I had fun, thank you"He said and smiled, she smiled back and wink.

He went downstairs and hurriedly walk to his car, feeling the morning breeze, giving him shivers. He took a new shirt from the back of his car and changed the one that he's wearing before driving off to work.

As soon as he entered, a loud cheer and claps greeted him.

"There he is, the legendary payno!"He heard his boss said with a wide smile.

"What happened?"He asked curiously, not having any idea what is going on.

"We are number one again!"The older man said and pulled him for a brotherly embrace.

"Number one? What is?"He asked again.

"Your article!"Ashley said.

His eyes widen and an instant smile appeared on his face.

"No way"He said in disbelief, taking the article from one of his colleague. "You published it! I thought it's childish?"He asked his boss who shrugged his shoulder.

"It is but remind me next time to never doubt you again, this is the 5th time you went number 1"Ashley said, feeling so proud of his friend.

A sound of champagne popping can be heard and they all drink to celebrate.

"Office?"His boss asked. He nod and followed him.

"So where did you end up again this time?"He asked as soon as he closed the door behind him.

"As always"He answered, smirking.

"The article is great and I'm proud of you but I'm serious about what I said yesterday, you know that, right?"He asked seriously.

"I know"He said.

"Just think about it, yeah?"The older man added and he nod, agreeing.

"Alright, well I'm off now. I have to go see my girlfriend"Ashley said, raising his brows up and down.

"Why haven't I met your girlfriend yet? Its been like a year"Liam asked.

"You'll meet her soon"His boss replied and smile.

"Do I know her?"He asked again, trying to get to him.

"I think you do"Ashley answered, proudly.

"C'mon! Any clues?"

"Nope"The man answered and laughed, earning a grunt from the younger man. 

He just shook his head and release a sigh before standing up to go back to his own office, planning to sleep off his headache from the other night.

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