Creatures Such As We

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We humans believe that we are the most intelligent life out there, seeing that we have not yet discovered any extraterrestrial life beyond our planet. The planet we corrupt and bring closer and closer to it's demise each and every day. We think we are the center of the Galaxy, that we are the top of the food chain, the best out there. Yet, we cannot even cooperate amongst ourselves. We hate each other. We kill each other. If we are really as amazing as we think we are, why do we do such lowly things? We murder, steal, discriminate and wound. We have separate religions and views, not because we are diverse, no. It is due to the fact that we cannot simply agree with one another but we must be prideful and not give in to what other humans want. If you dislike someone, are you really going to comply to their rules? Us humans are too prideful and arrogant. We are at war with other humans because us creatures that are so "highly advanced" need to be arrogant and prove the point that one set of humans is better than another. We fight because we are different. When really we are more similar than most can imagine. We live and die under the same moon, stars and sun. We all live on the same planet with the same basic needs. We all have one goal in our pitiful existence that we have not yet discovered. We all corrupt this planet that gives us everything we could ever need. Let's all just hope that if humans ever find any other intelligent, self-aware lifeforms, that they aren't creatures such as we.

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