Chapter 3

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a/n: SO sorry i haven't update in like a month! i just started a job, well, three weeks ago and i am still adjusting to getting up early and all that, which i feel a little foolish because for now i'm only working three hours a day, but i'm like having to retrain my body into going to bed early and get up early so i guess maybe that's what it is idk lol

honestly i thought i'd lost interest in this story, but after updating chapter 3 i'd have to say there's no way i've lost interest yet, so i hope you guys dont lose interest either, the next chapter after this will be probably the last familiar looking chapter because then it's gonna take on a whole new plot line as apposed to "forget me not" so i hope you guys like it :)


“Laura, Laura sweetie, come on get up.” I hear a soft voice whisper.

“Hmmm?” I ask as I sit up and squint against the sunlight pouring into the guest room.

“Stormie called, they think Ross might wake up today.”

It was Vanessa.

Suddenly the memory of last night’s nightmare came back to me.

“I actually went back to sleep last night?” I ask as I pull back the covers and stretch.

“Eventually.” Vanessa replied.

“Sorry I kept you up.” I reply.

She shakes her head.

“What are big sisters for right?” she asks.

“Thank you for coming home.” I reply.

“For you, anytime, I have to go call my manager real quick alright?” she asks.

I nod my head.

“I’ve got to get dressed anyway.” I reply.

“Oh, that reminds me!” Vanessa replies as she picks up a bag from beside the doorway.

“I brought you some clothes, your iPod, and your phone charger, I didn’t know how long it’d be before you’d be home.” She says.

“Thank you! Has anyone told you you’re like the best big sister ever?” I ask.

“Mmm, not lately.” She laughs with a wink.

“Well you are.” I reply.

She smiles back as her phone rings.

“Oh, it’s my manager, I’ve got to take this.” She says as she brings the phone to her ear and leaves the room.

I look into the duffle bag now sitting on the lynch’s guest bed and pick out one of the outfits in the bag and get dressed, trying, but failing, to push last night’s horrible nightmare out of my head.

I take Rydel’s nightgown and lay it neatly on the bed, then I grab my purse and head for the living room, joined by Riker, Rocky, Ryland, Rydel, and Ratliff who must’ve also stayed over last night.

Riker hands me my coat and takes the keys off the hook.

Vanessa exits the kitchen and comes over giving me a hug.

“I’m going to see you tomorrow night ok? I’ve got to get back to the set.” She says.

I nod my head.

“Ok, see you tomorrow then, bye.” I reply.

“goodbye.” She replies as she takes her coat off the coatrack and walks outside.

She gives me a final wave as she gets into the car, I wave back.

Riker lets out what can only be an exhausted sigh.

“Alright gang let’s go, and remember no matter what happens or how much he remembers, or doesn’t remember, we have to be there for Ross no matter what.” He says looking all of us seriously in the eyes.

We all nod our heads.

The storm had passed sometime early this morning, leaving nearly two feet of glistening snow behind, but the clouds had cleared, and the sun was out and there wasn’t a single snowflake falling from the sky.

If it hadn’t been for last night, I would’ve thought it was rather beautiful out, and it was, but I barely recognized the beauty as questions started rattling around my head.

Would he remember me?

How much would he remember?

What if his memory never came back…it could be the end of R5!

There’d be no more “Austin & Ally”

What would happen with our relationship?

I pushed the questions out of my head not liking any of the thoughts that came with them.

“Are you ok?” I hear Riker ask, he’s holding the backdoor of the car open for me.

“Not exactly.” I admit.

“Hey, it’ll be ok, alright?” he asks, looking at me in that big brotherly way.

I nod my head and get in the car.

We get to the hospital and quietly make our way down the hallways to the waiting room.

Stormie greeting us.

“Mark is in the room with Ross.” She explains as she wraps me in a hug.

“High honey, how did you sleep last night?” she asks.

“Not great, I had a horrible nightmare last night.” I reply, my voice cracking slightly as I tried to hold back tears.

“Whatever thoughts that nightmare has put in your head you push them out right now sweetie, you hear me? I know my kids, and Ross is going to be fine, I can PROMISE you that.” She replies in a sympathizing but firm tone.

I nod my head as I wipe away a few tears that managed to slide down my cheeks.

Suddenly Mark bursts through the door.

“He’s starting to come around!” is all he says and then leaves.

“You guys should go.” I say, looking at Riker, Rocky, Ryland, Ratliff, and Rydel.

Ryland opens the waiting room door, but stands aside.

“No, you go first, he’d want you there.” He replies.

“A-are you guys sure?” I ask.

“Go on.” Rydel replies as the rest nod their heads in agreement.

A few more tears slide down my cheeks.

“Thanks you guys.” I reply as I give them a little wave and leave.

I walk down the hall to Ross’s room, walking in quietly.

Stormie coming in behind me, wrapping her arm around my shoulders in a motherly way.

What can only be a few seconds later, Ross finally begins to open his eyes.

Stormie covers her mouth as tears slide down her face.

I let out a sigh as I break way from Stormie to sit down in the chair next to his bed, taking his hand lightly.

After what feels like an eternity he’s finally fully awake and looks around.

“Oh thank god!” Stormie exclaims quietly as she leans into her husband’s chest.

“Ross…how, how are you feeling?” I ask quietly, not sure if my heart has skipped a beat or if I’m just holding my breath.

“Honestly, I’m feeling a little sore, wait, who are you guys?” he asks.

To be continued

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