「Won't You SMILE for Me?」

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That's what some people are going through these days. Depression, abhorrence, bloodlust... all of them are quite common in the modern days. People going insane for money, for wealth, for just anything. They'd steal, they'd kill, and they'd do it. Without a doubt. Without hesitation. Without regret.

Terry Etherns was a university student, studying psychology hoping to understand people who suffer from disorders like Tourette Syndrome, Bipolarity and Schizophrenia. He would spend hours of studying, reviewing and taking personal lessons with teachers. He was quite a handsome male, with curled brown locks and warm green eyes, with a fair skin complexion. Some thought he was adorable, even with the freckles on his face. But most thought he was absolutely hot.

Though he kept getting confessions, he politely yet considerately declined, saying he's not someone who is interested in a relationship. With that being said, he is asexual and an aromantic. Fortunately, a majority understood and was even glad he wasn't being crude. He was popular, even if he spent a lot of time studying for the good of humanity.

As for Terry himself, quite this moment he was walking down the stone pavement in the dead of night. Apparently, he had just gotten back from a party held by a good acquaintance of his. Now, usually he would not go out late but his friend managed to persuade him, with a few mentions of "celebration" and "to bond better with friends". Something along those lines.

The moonlight shone brightly, in fact, it was a full moon. The brunette male had always adored the beauty of nature and works of God, noting nothing can surpass the Mighty One. He was sure of that, and held true to his belief. The wind blew chills to his sensitive skin, causing goosebumps.

"I should've brought a jacket with me,"

Terry sighed, shaking his head and hugged himself, wanting to hurry back home. His leather boots crunched the speckled stones underneath, as he trudged forwards. It was comfortably silent, and yes, was. Until the comfortable silence were shattered to millions of debris, as he felt another presence besides him.

Who could be up at this time? It's late, all houses he had passed were engulfed in caliginosity. The hair on the back of the young man's neck stood, but the fellow refused to show his disquietude. He moved on, masking his fear with slow walks and soft, steady breathing.

Unbeknownst to him, a figure was not falling to his facade. They were observant, smart and unfortunately sly. "Let's see if you can dodge your death, Etherns." A sickening, dark smirk grew on their face, showing a fanged tooth while their eyes were eerily glowing a shade of bone-chilling red with stilts.

Meanwhile, the chap was getting closer to his safe abode, but still, the chills remained. What he wasn't aware of, was the figure from before, slowly advancing and taking his vulnerability as a chance to strike. Something particularly small rolled to the man's feet, causing him to stop.

What was written on it was unnerving and caused him to freeze in shock.

Look behind you. :)

It said, seemingly to be written in fresh blood. Color left the frightened student's handsome features. He slowly turned around...

...Only to have a knife deeply struck his face. He screamed, only to have a gloved finger shushing his lips. His eyes traveled to a pale face, gazing fearfully into a pair of stilted vermilion irises. He saw the assassin's dark, sickening smirk under the moonlight. He noticed the girl was... crying? Tears were falling down her cheeks, yet she smiled.

Terry collapsed to the hard ground, fear never left his eyes. His lips quivered, fear blinding pain.

It was a girl. A girl with jet-black jacket with white faux fur at the collar, her hair was as black as the deepest darkest abyss as it reached her shoulders and past.

The girl had a knife, freshly coated with his blood in her sombre gloved hands. Terry crawled away, as she advanced towards him with the sadistic smile still plastered on her face, still filled with malice.

"S...Stay back..." He managed to whimper, his cut lips flowed the words without a filter. He knew it was not going to work, she's a killer.

The crazed doxy still smiled, carving her way towards him. Once he stopped his now useless efforts of getting away, she stopped and knelt beside him. She leaned to his face, and struck his heart, thus ending his life.

Out of the blue, the rain poured down a heavy shower and clouds formed, thunderstorms crackled in the background.

She carved a bloody smile onto his now lifeless features and whispered to his ear,

"Now... won't you smile for me?"

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