All We Know Is Falling [Hayley Williams] [girlxgirl]

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A/N: If anyone has a problem with girlxgirl, message me at @JustAKidWhoImagines, because same sex love is perfectly okay and you can suck it, homophobes. <3

Now, on with the story!

The wind whipped across my face, blowing my hair out behind me and shooting adrenaline through me as I sped down the slight slope of the road. My eyes narrowed against the wind, I pushed off against the asphalt again, feeling the wheels of my skateboard rumbling beneath me, the vibrations of the motions combining with the jitters from the energy drink I'd just downed. My Paramore jumper billowed in the wind, and my legs- mostly exposed from my shorts- were taking quite a blast from the wind as well. As I zoomed down, I looked over to see two slightly familiar looking guys and mentally shrugged it off.

 As Katy Perry blasted through the ears, I looked around and spotted an all too familiar redhead woman walking down the sidewalk the opposite way I was heading, not too far behind the familiar-looking guys. I gaped and quickly slowed the skateboard before jumping off just right so that it shot up. I caught it nimbly under my arm and caught the eye of the redhead. She gave me a smile and I smiled back, though I couldn't help but smile anyways.

 "Hey, wanna chill? I'm done with these two," she called out.

 "Y-yeah sure," I stammered, heading over with my heart pounding. Oh, my god. She's even more perfect in person.

 "Hayley, don't leave us!" One of the guys called out. I now recognized them- Jeremy and Taylor.

 "You two are lame!" Hayley called back with a playful gleam in her eyes.

 "Whatever," Jeremy said before he and Taylor headed off.

 "I'd introduce myself, but I'm guessing by your jacket you know who I am," Hayley commented as she turned back to me. I giggled a little, nervous excitement coursing through me.

 "Y-yeah, I'm a huge fan," I stammered, unable to contain my grin. She laughed a little.

 "You seem pretty cool, let's walk," she said. Could this get any better?

 "And this, would be my tour bus," Hayley informed me. We'd walked and hung out for quite some time- I've known her in person for a total of two hours now. I climbed on the tour bus behind her and looked around. It wasn't the neatest place in the world and could definitely use some cleaning, but it was nice. "Want to play Rockband?"

 "Yeah, sure," I said, walking over as she handed me a guitar. She turned on the game and skimmed through the songs until she landed on one in particular.

 "Aw, look- I remember writing that," she noted with a sly smile. I chuckled a little and selected the song. She set the microphone on her leg and went through the difficulties with the controller, going to expert. "Let's see how I do."

 I put the guitar on hard and we started to play, both of us completely flawless. We played a few more songs, talking in between them- we got to know each other pretty well in the short time we'd been hanging out. Eventually, we turned on a movie and sat back on the couch next to each other- quite close, I might add- with drinks on the coffee table in front of us and all the windows closed. About twenty mintues into the movie, I turned to the side and started playing with Hayley's hair, making her giggle.

 "Ellie, I know we just met, but you're so awesome." Hayley commented, looking me in the eyes and smiling. I felt my cheeks turn pink.

"Well, I already knew you were awesome, before I even met you," I replied with a breathless laugh. She placed her palm on my cheek suddenly and leaned forward, her lips crashing against mine. Our lips remained together for a good, long minute until she pulled away, clamping a hand over her mouth.

 "Oh my god I'm so sorry Ellie I don't even know if you like that."

 I laughed, meeting her concerned eyes with my amused ones.

 "Hayley, believe me, I'm perfectly okay with that- I've had a huge crush on you for who knows how long," I informed her with a smile. She smiled back and kissed me again, this time letting it last as our lips moved together. When we broke apart, we were both breathless but content. She snuggled against me and I wrapped my arms around her while we watched the movie in content silence.


 "Happy anniversary!"

 "Need... More... Sleep..."



 "I made you breafkast!"


 I flung the blanket off of my head from where I'd been using it to shield myself from Hayley's eccentric morning person-ness. Hayley giggled and threw a pop-tart at me, making me roll my eyes.

 "You didn't make this, you bought it," I argued playfully, pulling myself out of bed and stretching. This woman will be the death of me- the sun's barely up! She knows I love my sleep. Might as well have made me a card that said, Happy anniversary- you get no sleep!

 But then, what would I do without her?

 Hayley came over and took a seat next to me.

 "I've been up for two hours and I showered, did my hair and make-up, got dressed, made breakfast, ate breakfast, tweeted, listened to music, beat your high score on that one song on Rockband, creepily Paranormal-Activity-style stared at you while you slept, called and talked to Jeremy and Taylor, learned to play the banjo, found and tamed a unicorn, kidnapped Morgan Freeman, resurrected Edgar Allen Poe, threw Leonardo DiCapprio in the ocean because he belongs there according to Titanic and Rose wanted him there and well Redheads Unite, memorized the Hunger Games, and-"
 "Hayley." I cut her off, placing my hands on her cheeks. "I deeply worry about how your mind works that you can come up with all of that on the spot. Now give me a minute or two to finish waking up and we'll go watch that movie you've been wanting to see."

 Hayley grinned at me and left the room, making me roll my eyes at her craziness. I love her for it, though. Today was the day- we'd been dating for six months, counting from the day we met, and it was also my birthday, the 26th of November. Today was also the day I was finally going to confess that I'm in love with her. Most couples start saying I love you around the two-month-mark, and while I've loved her since the first week I knew her, I didn't want to push things and make her think she had to say it back. Even now I didn't expect her to- I just wanted her to know I love her. That's the thing about love: she doesn't have to return it. I just want her to be happy and know how much I care.

 Twelve hours later, it was seven thirty at night and we were at our favorite restaurant- a small diner we'd eaten at the first time we hung out. We began to eat and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was- redheads can definitely wear red, and even though she's not much of a dress person, she can pull off that dress. Sure, I'd still think she was better-looking than the goddess of beauty even if she was wearing an over-sized potato sack, but it just added onto it to see her in that gorgeous dress.

 We finished eating and went outside, sitting on the curb of the road and looking up at the stars somewhere around the very spot I'd first seen her.

 "Hayley?" I said nervously, my heart thudding in my chest. Even though I didn't expect her to say it back, I'd still been incredibly nervous about it- it was a pretty big step.

 "Yes, Ellie?" Hayley asked. I glanced down to our clasped hands, and then turned my eyes on her beautiful hazel gaze. I took a deep breath; here goes nothing.

 "I love you." The words came out slowly and she simply smiled.

 "I love you, too, Ellie," she voiced casually. I felt my mouth curve upwards into the biggest smile I'd ever made. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers and she gave my hand a squeeze. After the kiss, I still smiled at her for a minute before we both turned back up to the stars in a comfortable silence.

 It may not last forever, but I sure hope it lasts until I die.

 All I know for now, is that I'm in love with Hayley Williams, and she loves me, too.

~Written by JustAKidWhoImagines/Emily

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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