Denuded and Denied - by chaahat28
Dedicated to my wonderful mother. Someone who stayed up with me when I screamed on nightmares and wailed to be accompanied in a room.
Warning:The poem is about sexual assault , and those who are uncomfortable reading about it should restrain from going forth.
"Not just once, but many times,I was stripped and slayed,
He knew my protests never had a voice,so it stayed,
Nobody noticed my change or the silent prayer I said,
And so, only the showers heard, when I painfully bled.
And then again I was forced to the my gas chamber,
Where I died and only my body lived, never to be wanted,
I remembered the me before the assault, an ember,
And I see the me after, something daunted and haunted.
There is only fear, an angst of pillage. Unleashed terror!
And when somebody talks of my pride and fidelity, I sense error,
He is the culprit,but people call me the criminal;so I'm curbed,
Him-privileged to steal my firsts ; and me, for the world, deflowered.
In trance I search for recognition of innocence; of my vulnerability,
For somebody's love to see the frailty behind the tranquility,
Fearing and avoiding, for the nights I have cried down seeing the ravish,
What should I do for the world to at least see me as a victim, just blemished."
It's been really hard for me to complete this poem. But please answer me.
How is it all our fault?
Is a 3 year old girl's nudity,something that makes a temptation or arousal? Then why are they abused? Used for sexual desires at the age of 3,just think of it!
Again how about our grandmothers of the age of 70 and stuff, how is their weakness something to be utilized?
It's not the women,it's men!And it should be stopped.
And even if it's the slightest of an attack,it always leaves you in fear. It does. Ever been in a situation where you can not stay in a room with a guy? And the guy could be anyone, even your brother.
The whole world sinks down to fear. Just pure utter fear and I have screamed help from people I call for my brothers,I don't trust. Because I do remember of a time when one of these guys who I called as a brother wanted to use me. It is never an option to forget and let go. It's a permanent scar. And the only option to heal is to make the world safer.
I really don't know what to do, because if I take a Placard and walk about for women's rights, I would sure as hell be in tomorrow's newspaper, as a whore who walked about in the street as a rebel and got raped and killed because of my rebelliousness.
And If I don't ,I would be living in my hide afraid of ever coming out. Maybe this is my way of doing justice to myself.
Be brave.
Stand up for yourselves,
Make me proud ladies!
Because admit it,he who rapes you is never going to repent and stop on his own. You have to protect yourselves.
Carry a knife,sword,gun. I don't care, but defend!
I know that the AN got a little long. I just wanted to say that out there. Sorry!