Chapter thirty LAST CHAPTER

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Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. It definitely is. For the first time in eight years I spend Christmas with my real family. The boys and all their family are at mum’s house. Even Leeroy is here, with Liam. No, not as a couple. And mum’s new boyfriend is here too. Yes, the man who mum was heavily making out with when Zayn and I were here. Still have nightmares about that moment.

I watch how everyone is catching up with each other while I help mum with the food. Something we used to do every Christmas. ‘’You look happy.’’ Mum smiles at me when she sees me chuckling at Zayn who’s playing with his youngest sister. ‘’I am.’’ I nod. It took me a while, but I’m finally satisfied with my life.

I’ve experienced more than a normal adult in general, and I want to keep it like that, no more drama. Just health, luck and freedom. ‘’He’s good for you.’’ Mum says, referring to Zayn. ‘’I know.’’ I nod once again. She quickly pecks my cheek before grabbing a bowl of food and walking to the dining room with it.

I continue cutting the vegetables and quietly sing along with the Christmas songs that sound through the house. I feel something or someone wrap its arms around my leg and look down to see my little cousin, Annabelle, giggling. Annabelle is my mother’s sister’s daughter. Yup, they came all the way from Brazil.

I put down the knife and pick up Anna who starts playing with my hair. ‘’Suave.’’ She giggles. She always tells me how soft my hair is, it’s pretty cute. I see Zayn enter the open kitchen from the corner of my eye. Annabelle tells me how many teeth she has lost in the last few months in Portuguese and Zayn raises his brows. I tell her I will come to the living room in a bit and that I need to finish the food and put her back on the ground. She immediately runs back to her mother and climbs in her arms.

‘’You’re so sexy when you speak Portuguese.’’ Zayn whispers in my ear, throwing my hair over my left shoulder so he can kiss the right side of my neck. ‘’Zayn, I have a knife in my hands, leave me alone.’’ I chuckle. Even when his mother enters the kitchen, he won’t stop holding me and whispering things in my ear.

‘’Zayn, leave her alone. It’s obvious you’re annoying.’’ Trish says before quickly winking at me and walking away. ‘’My mum likes you more than she likes me.’’ Zayn scoffs. ‘’What can I say ? I’m irresistible.’’ I snigger before walking to the dining room with the last food. Everyone sits down and digs in. I’m sitting between Zayn and Niall, Louis and Eleanor sitting opposite me. I finally got to meet her.

I get why Louis loves her, she’s stunning. ‘’Louis told me you’re back in the group.’’ She smiles at me. ‘’Yes, can’t live without them.’’ I say sarcastically, even though it might be true. ‘’So you’re going to do the JT music video too ?’’ Leeroy asks me, sounding…hopeful ?  I nod my head, making all the boys smile brightly and Zayn squeeze my thigh.

‘’It’s good to have the old Fay back.’’ Louis says. ‘’I’ve never left.’’ I chuckle, but I know what he means. A loud ticking against a glass gets everyone’s attention. We all turn our heads to mum who stood up. ‘’Oh boy.’’ I mutter under my breath. Mum is a terrible speecher…

‘’Okay, so…’’

 Like I said, a terrible speecher.

‘’Half a year ago Fay and I came here, with a lot of baggage. Ready for a new start, leaving everything in Bristol behind us. Unfortunately we couldn’t leave everything there and history repeated itself. Luckily she’s a strong and independent woman and she always saw the bright side of life. I just want to thank those five boys at the other side of the table, and their family, for taking such good care of her and being her family. A family she never had and a family I couldn’t be on my own.’’

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