Dear Jaden

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Dear Jay,

Umm... Hi! How are you? Right now, it has been years since we broke up. Actually, your break up.

If only you didn't go to some place in America, then we would have been together.

If only you hadn't told me that you were going to stay with your mom for a week, but all of that was just a lie coz' you never came back after that.

If only I just sticked to my friends, instead of you.

If only we didn't meet each other in the library, when we first met.

And if only we didn't exist, then I would be happier right now.

If only you didn't even exist, then my life would change right now.

Sincerely yours,

12 nn

I dropped a tear....

"Abi!!! Hailey, Carrie and Sandra are here!"

"Just a minute!" I wiped the tears dropping.

I quickly put my diary under my bed.
I went downstairs wearing my denim blue crop top, skinny jeans, red converse shoes and my hairstyle, which I don't care about anymore is just not tied...

"Now, where are you guys going?"

"Mom, we won't take long."

"You're not supposed to, so go home at maybe 4pm."


"Fine.... Tomorrow is the start of school anyways. Go have fun"

"Bye ma! Love you." I kissed my mom on the forehead.

"Bye miss Reyes!" My crazy friends called out.

*Starbucks cafe*

We were talking about music and our stupid lives.

"Guys! Shut up! Did you know that there is this hot guy who is actually a freshman, so girls put your make up on and..."

"Wait Hailey, hold on. Since when were you interested in make up?!"

"Well Sandra, since this new hot dude came in our school."

We started to look at Carrie who kept on using her phone before the conversations started.

"What the heck, Carrie?" I irritatedly stated.

"Guys, you'll never believe it...he followed me on Instagram."
They were speechless and Hailey started to grab Carrie's phone.

"So what???" I disturbed the squealing of 3 "MATURE" girls.

Then they gave me the what the heck look. So in return, I gave them the what's your problem look.

" must move on from the sad past that took the livelier and happier version of yourself." -Hailey

"Plus, don't you wanna love again?" -Sandra

"Obviously not, because of the love games that stupid guys play around us! Don't you get it guys? They use us!"

"Is this perhaps because of....him???"-Carrie

"(sigh)...Maybe....I don't know!!!!...." They gave me the are you sure look.

"All I am sure about is that he is totally out of my life and I moved on."

"Whatever!" -Carrie

"Wait guys!!! Do you know Levi???"-Hailey

"Yeah, the bitch, why???" -Sandra

"It says here in Twitter All of you girls stay out, this NEWBIE is mine!!!"

"What the heck?" -Abi

"It's on SALE!! Guys let's go to Bench, there's this new aurora skirt!!"-Carrie

After an hour of of choosing...

"Done???" -Hailey

"Wait..okay. I'll just get this."

"Finally." -Abi
It was 5 pm that time so we will go home at 7pm.

"Let's eat in a Japanese restaurant near here." -Hailey

"There...Tokyo Tokyo." -Carrie

We ate and talked so much since we didn't eat lunch yet.

*Outside the restaurant*

"Bye guys, you know my mom she has worry problems." -Abi

"Bye Sophia! I mean Abi!" -Carrie

My heart just stopped, my eyes were wide open, because of the memories that came back.

We did a group hug and from there, we went into separate ways.

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