The Fuck?

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Caitlyn's P.O.V

We just came home from the Police Station tbh I was really hungry and tierd. I haven't ate since breakfast. Me and Cameron have apolegized and he and Sammy are still not on good terms eh lets say they both hate eachother and I am the ring in the middle. Whatever I'm going to bed.

"Cameron I'm going to bed. Good Night" i said
"Night Princess" he said and kissed my forhead.
"Oh Matt you scared me." I half jumped
"Sorry sis I was just on my way down. You seem tierd go to bed Good Night babe." He said and kissed my cheek
"Good Night Fruitloop." I hugged him

By that I went to sleep and I really dont remeber the last thing that happend.

Morning: after a week

Today is the day! We are flying to Texas! Yay. I'm gonna need alot of stuff to buy there I just love Texas!

I did my morning routine:

Brush my teeth
Dress up

I went down stairs and saw Khloe there.
"Koko!!! I missed you!." I ran and jumped on her
"Coco Pie!!! I missed you more!" She hugged me tighter.

You see she calls me Coco Pie and I call her Koko cause we both have kinda mixed skin.

"So hows eveything been?" She asked
"Well good we are flying to Texas today." I told her

Then we both sat and catched up loads. I've missed her alot.

"Caitlyn we have to go now. We'll be back. We'll come back I promise" said Cameron and dragged me off of Khloe.
"But I just saw her" i said and cried even more
"Come babe we have to go" said some of them
"Kk I'm coming. Bye Khloe promise you'll call txt facetime and everything else with me everyday." I said in sobs and hugged her
"I promise I love you so much now go before y'all miss the plane." She said and kissed my forehead.
"Byyeee love ya" i said and blew a kiss.

Skip the plane ride.

We got outta the Private Plane on the outside it said MagCon Jennz Tour.
We were on our way to the Tour bus when million of fans came.
Like rushing in us. Alot of paparatzies were there takin a hella lot pics.
I was holding Taylors hand cause he was protecting me.

"Queen Queen pose for one pic one singel pic"
"Queen is it true that you and Josh are breaking up?"
"Queen is that your boyfriend?"
"Oh Taylor Caniff pose with your girlfriend"
"How do you feel about this Tour?"
"Will it be mostley about you or all the others?"
"Come on! One Jennz pic! A sibling pic!'
"A group pic only one!"

Ughhh these paps are pissing me off. No they cant have a pic no I'm not breaking up with my boyfriend AND no I am NOT dating Taylor. For gods sake can't a girl hold a guys hand without any problems or issuse. Oh right this is the Fame Life.

Some fans came rushing in to me and I sighned some posters and shirts there was this girl screaming real nasty stuffa about me. I've never ever gotten hate like EVER. I mean I haven't recieved any hate so this was weird.
I assume she was a MagConer cause if she wasn't a MagConer what would she do here anyways. Strange.

"Queen you are the most dumbesst person thinking you can just enter MagCon you piece of groupCon ruiner Go kill yourself." She screamed

And that word never leaved my mind.

Skip to hotel.

We were at the famous hotel in Texas, 4040. Its a HUGE hotel. We got the biggest suits. But unfortunatly we had to share in different rooms. Bart had decided them with my manager Samantha~Sathy.

"OK now listen up we all have gotten suits thanks to the money we have combined with Queen and Sathy.
So we all are gonna share about 3-4 in every room." Said Bart

"The groups are, btw NO siblings get to share. Cause of Queen has to get to know you guys and you guys have to fresh up a lil'.
Cameron Nash Taylor
Queen Sammy Gilinsky & a guest It says here.
JJ Matthew Hayes
Aaron Shawn Carter
Sam P Kian JC & Jake
There are also some guests that are coming so prepare AND absolutly NO one changes groups NO CHANGING. Said Sathy. Great.

Camerons P O.V

No way. No fucking WAY. Sammy is so not sharing with my sister fuck this rule. Ugh. I hate it here.

"Hey man lets go find our rooms." Said Tay.

"Wait up!" Screamed Bart.

What now. I thought.

"There are some mistakes." He cleared his throat

Yas! This better be good.

"That guest with Sammy Queen and Gillinsky is Nate." He smiled


"Ehhm Bart can we ya knoa kinda change a lIttle thing?" I said

"What now Cameron? You know the rules." He said

"I kinda dont trust Sammy with my sister can't I change with Nate?" I asked

"No I'm sorry." He sucked

"But atleast change my sister or Sammy? Please." I begged

"I'm sorry boy the rules are rules and not changing " he exclaimed

"No! No! This can not happen! Ughhh FUCK!" I yelled punching a wall and kicking a chair.

This. Is. Just. Perfect.


Hey babes! Liked it? Comment what y'all think happens in next chapter Loves Xoxo Queen xx.

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