birthday girl

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"Make a wish, bitch," Charlie smiled.

I blew out the fire, taking out the car in front of me with a fire extinguisher.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLY!" everyone around me shouted.

I got pats on the back and smiles, but it wasn't until Charlie walked up to me with a cupcake, that everyone grew silent.

"Now really make a wish, kiddo."

I giggled and blew the candle out from the cupcake. Everyone gave a round of applause afterwards and Brook, or Brookyln as I liked to call her, a fellow member, turned on the iPod radio. "Birthday" by Selena Gomez started playing loudly and the girls started a mosh pit.

We all started to sing along, lighting more things on fire, and dancing around them. I ran beside Charlie, getting my black and white Chuck Taylors dirty, and her black combat boots collecting dirt as she ran.

"Blow your dreams away with me!" we both sung along to the song.

I enjoyed the "birthday party" with my Homewreckers. We all came to the junkyard and lit things on fire, bringing them to an ash. Then we danced around, jumping on old cars, smashing anything in our path. Things were going great.

It wasn't until one girl shouted "BOYS IN BLUE!" that everyone started to run away from the main entrance, going towards the back, where they could get to the highway.

"What are you doing?!" Charlie yelled after me as I ran the opposite way from her. We left our stuff up front and I knew that it could possibly be traced back to us if the cops got a hold of it.

Charlie continued to call after me but I ignored her. I wasn't gonna have my family get in trouble with the cops, especially on my birthday.

"Not so fast," a voice yelled. I heard a gun click and I immediately froze, dropping Brook's ipod, Charlie's lighter, and my pocketknife.

"Now turn around," another male voice spoke. I looked far and I could see Charlie watching me, probably cursing at the fact I didn't listen to her.

"I said turn around!" they yelled again. I slowly turned around, not wanting to have something else added on to my recent criminal record.

"Oh hell no." I put my hands down. "As if I'm gonna take orders from you fuckers."

"Well if it isn't Ms. Allison. Enjoying your birthday?" the slightly short one walked up to me, the gun still in his hand, but now facing downwards.

"Same to you, Doncaster. And not so good, some dicks pretending to be cops, decided to ruin my party," I rolled my eyes.

Louis was rather short. Or so he was to me. I was 5'10", he slightly shorter than me. His brown hair tossed to the side, and incoming beard gave him an older look that a cop could have. But instead he was 21 and a Suicidal. Just awful.

"Too bad. Seems your crew left you," he looked behind me, smirking. "I guess they don't care if we kill you. You really are pathetic, no wonder your parents dumped you on the side of the rode."

I spat in his face and pushed him onto the ground. I kicked the gun underneath one of the cars and sat on him, beating all my anger out onto his face.

Two of his friends, Zayn and Liam, pulled me off, one of them hitting me in the process. I struggled to get out of their arms.

"You're crazy, kid," Louis scoffed getting up from the ground. He walked up to me and grabbed my face, "But we're crazier. You see that cop car over there?"

I looked past him and at the newly stolen cop car. A curly haired boy was leaning against it, he had a cigarette sitting in the corner of his mouth, looking at me through his shades.

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