breakfast at harry's

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Brooklyn was acting weird ever since we met Harry. Once we left the shop, she stayed quiet, claiming one of the Suicidals might be listening to our conversation, even though we were on our own territory. But even when we got home, she kept quiet.

I thought about Harry throughout dinner and now, as I laid on my stomach doing my homework on my bed. His curly brown hair, his beautiful green eyes, how skinny and muscular he was at the same time. He was like a dream and I wanted to see him again badly.

"I know what you're thinking about," Brooklyn walked into the room brushing her teeth. She always looked pretty even in just a tank top and pajama shorts. "Or who, I should say."

"What?" I continued to work on my Algebra, pretending to be oblivious as to what she meant.

"That Harry guy."

I scoffed. "I'm more worried about my Algebra quiz on Friday than some boy."

"Are you breaking the Homewrecker rule?" she asked sitting next to me on my bed. "Lying to a fellow Homewrecker is prohibited you know."

I rolled my eyes. I know rules are something everyone has to follow but my god, Brooklyn always took them seriously. I've know her since I was 9 and she was 12, when Marina and Charlie took me under their wing. She left her neglectful adoptive parents and found a better home; here. Even then she stuck to the rules.

"He's got a cute little butt and all but I have a bad feeling about him," she sighed, still brushing her teeth.

I ignored her.

"We'll find out tomorrow at breakfast," she sat up from the bed and went back into the bathroom.

I looked up from my work. Were we going to spy on him? I mean it wouldn't be the first time that we've spied on people but Harry was a good guy.

When the Suicidals came around and started terrorizing us, we spied on them for a few weeks, making profiles of each member they had. The only time we spy on someone is if they are a Suicidal or if they're believed to be associated with them and I refused to believe Harry could possibly be one. He looked too....innocent. I'm sure he's done bad things, but the Suicidals were a bunch of no good assholes who should've stayed where they came from.

"Marina got the picture of him that I took today and she's gonna send some girls out tonight to watch him."

I got off the bed and ran out of the room and to the top floor of the house. I banged on Marina's door until she finally opened it.

"What?!" Marina swung open the door. Her bleached white hair was in a sloppy high ponytail and she had on a black night gown.

"We need to talk," I said scared.

Marina softened up. "I swear I thought you were Julie with another theory about how to trash the Suicidals house. I need a break sometimes," she laughed.

She walked into her room, which was the biggest in the six-room house. Having a room to herself, she had space for a piano, which stayed in the middle of the room. Her queen sized bed sat on the right, next to her wooden bookcase, her bathroom and walk-in closet on the opposite side.

"So what's up, Alli?" she smiled sitting on the black piano bench.

"Well that guy Brooklyn and I met-"

"Oh. Your little crush," she smirked as she started to play the piano.

"No," I denied. "I mean yes.....about the guy. But not about the crush part. I mean he is cute but-"

Marina looked to me with an eyebrow raised.

"Anyways," I sat next to her on the bench. "I really don't think we need to send some girls out to spy on him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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