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Amara' s POV


We were driving up the interstate in my dads black BMW, just the three of us, my mom, dad, and me. We were out celebrating my recent release from high school, yes I graduated. Just thinking about made me smile and realize, I'm going to college soon. I had been looking out the  back seat window, not paying attention to anything else,

"Amara," a gentle voice said from the front seat.

The voice had knocked me out of my trance, and quickly turned my attention back to my mom who was talking to me,

"Are you excited about college next fall?" She asked.

Even though I told her the answer about 3 hours ago, she often forgets everything... Like one time she forgot her keys in the car and locked the doors. My dad and laughed, at her for that, eventually dad pulled out his spare keys and opened the door for her to get her keys out. That was my mother, I loved her no matter how many times she forgets anything,

"Yep!" I said, popping the "p".
She turned in her seat to look at me,
"We are so proud of you, sweetheart!"

She said, excitement in her voice.
My dad and I chuckled at my mother's excitement, he turned up the radio to hear that Shake It Off by Taylor Swift was on the radio. I started singing along and dancing the best I could in the back seat, they laughed at me. We listened to the radio for a while, we all started singing along to songs we knew, we were laughing having a good time.

When Stitches by Shawn Mendes ended, we were passing through a intersection, and headlights were shining on my side of the car. Their light was red but they didn't slow down, I started to panic. My mother looked at the lights heading for us, and back at my dad, she didn't seem  concerned.

The car kept coming not stop or slowing down, the car passed the stop light, everything was happening so fast I hardly knew what was happening, now my mother panicked and let out a scream, then darkness washed over me.


This is my first story so don't judge my crappy writing. The chapters will get longer as the story goes on so please bare with me
I hope u enjoyed just a little bit...
Please give me your input.

Hope u all enjoy the next chapter!

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