Chapter 8

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Amara's POV


I was speechless. I get up from the floor, and turn away from him.

"He wasn't kidding..." I muttered under my breath.

I sat on the bed. My heart was racing. A lot of horrible thoughts were going through my mind... I don't know how to react. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially Derek. I sighed heavily. I could feel his eyes on me,

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, as I looked at him.

His eyebrows were scrunched together in confusion, and worry. His eyes darkened, but still bright blue.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't threaten me, he did." He stood up, and took a step towards me.

My heart was skipping beats. I looked at my lap away from him, so he wouldn't see my guilt. I heard his footsteps slowly get closer, my heart beat faster with each step. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, I look up slightly at his hand and at him. His gorgeous face was still filled with confusion. I looked into his eyes, they brought me comfort,

"Amara..." He began, "why are you sorry?"

He wasn't demanding. He wasn't angry. He wasn't causing me pain. He is everything Zavier isn't. I have to tell him... He has a right to know...

"He told me that..." I paused, gathering my thoughts, "he would do whatever he has to do to get me back... Even hurt any man I'm close to..."

I had thoughts of him hurting Josh, and Derek. I was on the verge of tears, but I blinked them away. I looked at my lap again. I don't think I can handle losing anyone, especially my family and friends. (No she doesn't know yet. Don't judge. She'll find out sooner than you think.)

We were in a comfortable, yet tensive silence, I couldn't speak. The same thoughts were repeating through my mind. Josh, Derek, and some of my family being hurt by Zavier, repeating, scarring me each time. Before I could blink the tears back again, they trailed slowly down my face. I used my hair to curtain my face. My thoughts were interrupted,

"He told you that?" Derek asked quietly almost a whisper.

I couldn't speak, I just nodded. I could hear him sigh.

"You don't need to be sorry, Amara." He said.

My tears stopped as I looked at him in shock. How could I not be? I didn't tell anyone, I didn't take him seriously...

"You really don't. His actions, and his choices aren't your fault. Even when you didn't listen to his warning," he said, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "You didn't know what he would do... It's not your fault, not even partly... His actions are his own."

My guilt melted away. I loved the way he was so considerate and kind. I gave him a small smile, which he returned. I stood up from the bed, subconsciously I wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him. I had my cheek pressed against his chest. I ignored how hard my heart is beating, and my knotting stomach. He hesitated, and wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me into him. His arms were touching my neck spending sparks and tingles down my neck and back. We were once again in a comfortable silence, we stayed like this for what felt like hours.

"Thank you... For everything..." I said into his chest.

His grip tightened around me leaving no space between us.

"Your welcome, Amara..." He said huskily, yet quiet.

I loved the way he said my name. I made my stomach full with butterflies. I pulled my head up to look at him, our bodies still pressed together. His arms were still around me, but lowered to my back when I looked at him. I looked into his eyes. My body was full of sparks and tingles, I hardly noticed it. I was too drawn into his eyes to notice anything but him. They were gentle, emotions were flying through them to fast to make them out, but there was one that lingered. I didn't know what it was, but it drew me in more. I got lost in his eyes. He started leaning in, my heart pounded harder against my ribs, if that's even possible. I didn't move, I could only think. I wanted his lips on mine. His nose was touching mine spending tingles an sparks across my face, my breath hitched as I realized his lips were only an inch away. One move and his lips would be on mine. I was about to lean into them when there was a knock on the door. I jumped and pulled away, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding,

"Hey D..." A woman said.

She had her blond hair pulled into a ponytail, her hazel eyes were slightly glaring at me with jealousy. She was wearing a tight blue top that was showing her cleavage, and skinny jeans. I heard Derek sigh, I looked over at him,

"I have to go... But I'll see you tomorrow and I think your grandparents are coming" He told me, I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Just my grandparents?" I asked curiously, "What about my parents?"

Derek looked at his feet, the woman at th door looked away too. They are hiding something. Their reaction only encouraged my curiosity, but I was also afraid of what it could be.

"What's going on? What aren't you telling me?" I asked trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

Derek finally looked at me, he had sadness and guilt on his face.

"I'll tell you tomorrow... I promise, ok?"

I knew he wouldn't tell me tonight, I nodded.

"Goodnight, Derek." I said softly.

"Goodnight, Amara." He responded leaving the room with the blond woman.

I crawled into my bed, I didn't want to sleep. I want to know what Derek is keeping from me. I wanted to see Derek, even though he's keeping something from me. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to stay with me. Something clicked in my mind, I like Derek. I barely know him, but I felt connected to him. I couldn't help it. I thought about Derek and my parents as I drifted to sleep.


Hey guys! I bet u all kind of hate me for the little almost kiss between Derek and Amara, don't you???

Sorry I have to leave you guys with a little something to look forward to. :)

Anyways there will only be one chapter this week. I'm so sorry I had a lot of stuff to do this week and next week is my testing, but I try my hardest to get at least 3 chapters up to make up for this lone chapter.

I would also like to thanks u all for 60 views!!! I didn't even expect 10, but let alone 60. You guys are AMAZING!!! Luv u all!!!
Till next week, bye

I hope you all enjoyed!
Keep Reading and tell me what you think about my story!!!

Thanks for reading!!


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