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This story revolves around the Leto. A strong, formidable and insurmountable race in terms of brute strength and fighting prowess. They live on a mighty planet called Yul. Its an odd planet with huge pieces of land separating the various races living there. There's also some mysterious massive floating lands that is said to be uninhabited known to the Yuls as the Holy Land and many pieces of islands this and there which belongs to the races of the abandoned or destroyed.

The planet itself is not the only thing that is odd. The races that lives there are a little peculiar as well. Each race possess unique capabilities and characteristics. Some of them even have special physicality. In this planet, race defines oneself.


The Leto has pure white hair and a pair of bright red eyes. They care about one another more than anything because originally, their numbers are not as many as the other .

Each of them has beast like instincts and abnormal physical strength since they were born. In the Leto people's perception, that is considered normal. They are natural born predators and warriors.

Most of them used to travel the universe as hunters to make good use of their power. Which resulted in their existence being acknowledged by the beings all around the universe. They bring home gold and glory for their planet, and respect and fame for their race. Even their name alone strikes fear into the hearts of beings far and wide across the universe. The Leto held the title of "The Universe's Strongest" before long.

The Leto was part of an united organization which is called the [YUL]. The name [YUL] is short for Yul Ultimate League. It also indicates the name of the planet, obviously. The organization consists of all 5 of the strongest, mightiest and the most influential races on Yul. Hence the meaning behind the extravagant name.

The purpose of this organization is to bring peace, balance and order. The role of the Leto in this organization is to be the backbone. The Leto is in charge of discipline, defense and keeping order throughout the planet through their brute strength. They are the ones who dirtied their hands by eradicating the corrupted races and the wrongdoings of all.

But ironically, their overwhelming strength which spells the end of many races, would not spare even their beholder.

The other races of the [YUL] has developed suspicion and fear towards the proud Leto and are worried that the Leto might bring catastrophe and chaos to their planet.. or worse, for some of them; to their authority and power. Because with the Leto becoming more and more influential and powerful, they could potentially defeat the whole planet consisting of various formidable forces all by themselves. That, is how big of a power the Leto were.

The [YUL] didnt exactly have a reason to terminate the Leto other than the possible threat they can pose. Because despite the strength the Leto possess, they are quite the selfless race and never did they abuse their power for their own personal agenda. They are a proud race that values justice.

However, under some unfortunate circumstances, the operation to eliminate the Leto.. begins and the wheels of fate starts moving.

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