Light Of Life

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Layla is a young girl born of a Leto. A free spirited girl with a strong will power and physical strength. A fearsome combination indeed.

Layla possesses beauty and grace. Her hair is slightly long, and like all Leto, her hair is pure white. The colour of her eyes are similar to that of an apple. Fierce bright red. One can almost see the light of life in them. But above all, her smile radiates like the sun's reflection on the ocean's surface.

If one would think about an image of a person with immense strength, one would definitely have the image of a big muscular being who eats raw beef and helpless wimps for breakfast. But thats not necessarily the case for the Leto. They are warriors no matter how they look. Layla herself looks just like a normal girl with normal proportions.

But don't let her appearance fool you. She is not any less of a warrior than her contemporaries. Perhaps she's even more skilled than them. One of the reasons for that being her father, Ulio, has been training with Layla, and gave her guidance since she was a child. He helped her hone her capabilities until she is capable of leading a whole platoon all by herself.

Her father, Ulio, is not just a random Leto. Even among the current Leto right now, he is the strongest. Therefore, he is hailed as the commander of the Leto. The third commander that is.

While that may sound extravagant, the current Leto has been somewhat in the shadow of their former glory. The Leto has stopped hunting outside of their planet and has only been active inside their planet since their second commander's reign.

Their actions has started to take effect all the way to the highest council; [YUL]. The other races are in suspicion of the Leto and their rather introverted behavior. While the Leto are more active than ever in contributing to the planet, it still doesn't change the fact that they are probably the universe's most dangerous race and how their undivided attention to their home planet strikes fear into the other races.


"Apparently the people of planet Testcombicle are called as testicles.". "Isn't that just the funniest thing you've ever heard in your life?" said Layla to her best friend, Sara.

"The people who made that name a thing are either ignorant or heartless. No one should be referred to as a part of the genitals." Sara responds.

"You're such a party pooper, Sara. Enjoy my genital humor a bit will you." Layla said with a grinning face.

"Oh, and i actually find the people who find it funny more evil." Sara focuses her gaze to Layla for a second and continues "I'm just kidding, its hilarious. What do they deserve to be called testicles." as she burst into laughter together with Layla.

"Two graceful girls shouldn't be talking about these things." said Layla.

"I am the only one graceful here because a graceful girl doesn't go around beating people's asses." Sara said while putting one hand on her waist.

Before Layla could respond, a loud voice coming from a man familiar to Sara called out for her.

"Saraa! Come back homee! There's some work for you to do!" called out the man.

"Ah.. I gotta go now. My dad's calling out for me. I guess the steels are getting too hard for him to handle by himself." said Sara, sending her goodbyes to her best friend.

Sara is a Gro. A race of highly skilled blacksmiths. They make some of the most absolute best weapons anyone could find on Yul. Gro is a race that is "absorbed" into another race. Basically, an absorbed race becomes a part of the absorber's family. An absorption could happen forcefully or vice versa and it doesn't mean the end of the absorbed race. It only indicates that the absorbed is protected by the absorber and the absorbed gives the absorber services and benefits.

The Gro was originally tied to slavery.. Until the Leto released them of their chains by eradicating the corrupted race that is tying them down during the first Leto commander's reign. So out of obligatory and gratefulness, the Gro offered their services to the Leto. Then as the time passes by, the Gro agrees to be absorbed into Leto.

The Gro are the only race that has been absorbed into Leto because all the other races was far too scared to be under Leto's protection. All those small races thought of Leto only as a destroyer and nothing else. Except for the Gro, who is honest and loyal to their pride and work. They saw the Leto and accepted them as they are. As the saviors that they are. Till this day the Gro and the Leto still bonds without fear.

From then, the Leto, armed with Gro's weaponry, has become an even more formidable force.


There are 5 main races on Yul including the Leto. Each of them has immense power and strength.

1- Leto : The Strength
2- Yula : The Wise
3- Bors : The Nature
4- Arkel : The Sky
5- Sever : The Spirit

The Leto with their brute strength and fighting prowess. They even have a much faster healing ability than the others. They excel at any kinds of weapons. Deemed as the "Universe's Strongest".

The Yula. A very prideful race. The only thing abnormal about them is their intelligence therefore giving them the title of "The Wise". Their formidable intelligence makes them a race to be feared. It is in Yula's beliefs that they are the original inhabitants of Yul, which results in their proud, almost-obnoxious behavior towards their fellow inhabitants.

The Bors. Lives on a land full of forests and lakes. They interact with nature and seeks their protection. They are masters of disguise and they can change forms into fearsome beasts.

The Arkel. They have a different physical structure compared to the others. They have a pair of big beautiful feathered wings. Their mobility is the highest among all the races. Their feathers are sharp and deadly.

The Sever. The ones capable of connecting to spirits and making use of their unknown powers. The Severs are capable of conveying the messages that the spirits wants to tell and the message is often received to as a form of prophecy.

All of these races makes up the majority of inhabitants living on Yul. They offer leadership and order to Yul and all it's inhabitants.

Yul was at peace and there is nothing that can disturb it. Or so they thought.

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