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Play the video when I tell u please

Your pov
Levi and I finished eating and went out to train. Levi handed me the 3D MG and I took it and put it on within 5 seconds.

"Nice job for a beginner."

I smirk. "Let's go to the forest to kill some Titan dummies!" I yell.

"First we have to see if you'll even balance on it."

I easily balanced on it.


"Don't yell is loud. Follow me." Levi says. I follow him.

We arrive at the forest.

"I want to you find all the dummies though out the forest, 'kill them' and get back here ASAP. Ok?"

"Yes sir!" I say while saluting.

I then take off. I jump thought the trees and swing around playfully. I use the tree branches as leverage. I find every dummy and "kill" them and come back.

"I'm back! How long did it take?" I ask while tilting my head slightly making it cute.

"... 2 minutes..."

"So do I pass?"

"Of course you do. But let me see how much gas you used."

Levi checks the gas tanks. He stands up straight.

"You only used one tenth of the gas. And both tanks were both filled only one quarter way. Very impressive."

I smile widely like an idiot.

"What other tests are ther-" I was cut off by a soldier running up to us.

"CORPORAL AND Y/N!" He yells while saluting. He has a panicked look on his face.

"Tch. What do you need now?"


Once I heard that I stood there like a statue. I see Levi's breath hitch. I then says something to the soldier but I couldn't hear over the pounding of my heart.

"Y/N. Go inside and stay safe!" Levi demands.

"No. I'm fighting with you! I want to fight to the end! I don't want to be a wast to this land!" I yell.

Levi then looks at me startled.

"Follow me then!"

Play song now

I nod and rush and following him to the horse stables. He gets on one and picks me up to I'm behind him. I wrap my arms around his torso. I slightly blush it went unnoticed. He directed the horse to he city and told me to use the 3DMG so I can get on roofs and find Titans to kill. I nod and fly into a roof. I look around at the sight before me. Houses were crushed. Houses were burning. Blood stained the once dirt path. Titans eating people. This caused me to have a panic attack. Then everything went black.

Levi's pov

I hope that Y/N is ok on her own.

I then see about 5 Titans go down almost at the same time. Everyone was staring at someone. I see the figure was killing all the Titans within seconds and spinning in the area like crazy. The figure was a blur. One second they were one place and the second they were one the completely other end. I couldn't tell who it was though.

Levi x abused child readerWhere stories live. Discover now