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His mind was like a withering storm and no one knew how to shut it down.

Naya sat in her chair, her nails digging into her palm as she fixed her eyes on Rion. She was silently hoping that she could draw blood so she could have a good excuse to leave the dining room and lock herself in her bedroom.

It's only been two weeks since Rion became King of Ora and yet, everyone was already easily frightened once Rion showed no mercy to people who didn't respect him.

Naya cringed as she remembered the man who nearly spat in Rion's face. She closed her eyes when his screams rang in her ears seconds before he was lynched.

How could a man who ruled so beautifully, lovingly, have a son who owned a mind and heart filled with only evil?

While Naya was Queen for only a few days, her love could no longer just go to her family but now to everyone of Ora.

She looked down at her hands, her dark locks falling along. Her light hand was crimson and at the center, crescent moons began to appear slightly. She stopped, fixing her eyes on her black lace sleeve. She nearly scowled as she remembered the dark bruise Rion gave her once she moved into the castle.

Rion looked up from his papers, a low sigh leaving his lips as he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes landed on Naya and they widened slowly as he watched her crown begin to fall off the top of her head.

She caught it last second, shooting her head up and meeting Rion's stare. Her right hand gripped the crown while the other gripped onto her dress.

She absolutely hated how charming he was. She fought the urge to break his gaze. The two of them dared to do nothing.

His boyish smile made Naya flush. ❝Everything okay, My Queen?❞

She held onto her crown tighter, not caring that it will mark her hand more. She bobbed her head and froze at his cheeky grin. ❝From my knowledge, Queen's nor Princesses slouch.❞

Well, you should know by now that I'm not your ordinary Queen. Naya thought. ❝My apologies, My King. I usually skip my Queen101 lessons with Mrs.Fall.❞

He chuckled. Naya did have lessons with Mrs.Fall but it was more like harsh protocol instead of simple Queen101 lessons.

And she did skip it at times.

❝I've heard. And you use me for an excuse?❞

❝Well, what's better to say? She will literally drag me to class if I don't go and if I say that you need me, I'm free to go without question.❞

❝You need a better excuse. Yesterday, Mrs.Fall came to me and asked where you were. We found you reading in the gardens. She wasn't exactly happy about it. Saying that you should be learning.❞

❝Learning what? This?❞ she extended her pinky, and drank fake tea. ❝Foolishness if you tell me.❞

He laughed again. It was hollow. ❝My mother hated doing it too, you're not alone.❞

But you are.

Naya bit her lip, stopping herself from asking questions. ❝My condolences, K-❞

The Girl Who Brought Down RionWhere stories live. Discover now