Elist was taking a cat nap while Ratchet was doing something. On the monitor when a energon signal popped. On the screen scaring her half to death. And the others walked in the main room Ratchet type in the coordinates, and opened the ground bridge. Elist pawed at Optimus asking if she could come along. Optimus agreed she could come along knowing that she could use fresh air. He transformed and opened he's side door she shrunk her size and climbed in. When they got there he let her out and transformed. Back to his bot mode Elist did the same they quietly sunk around. They got to where the 'cons were mining. Optimus noticed that Megatron was there everyone ready their blasters. And fired while they're busy Elist sunk around in the shadows. To collect some energon, but she was grabbed by a pair of servos. As the dust started to clear Bee stopped firing. Arcee looked at him oddly and looked where he was looking. Her optics widen in shock for what she saw. Optimus and Bulkhead also stopped firing when they saw that Elist was in Megatron's clenches. Optimus is willing to negotiate, but Megatron has other plans. For elist the negotiation was her only hope they had no choice. But to call for a ground bridge all elist could do was watch and shed tears. Soon the ground bridge disappears she hung her helm low. Not wanting to look at anyone and kept shedding tears. She can't go back to base and play with Ratchet ever again. Megatron called for a ground bridge and carried elist through while she was kicking her peds. And growling in protest he put her down on the floor. She glared at him her ears flatten against her helm, her optics dilated, and her tail twitches. A sign that she not happy and is ready to strike. Soudwave walked up and pets her helm she swipes at him. But then cries she want Ratchet her master she knows she won't. Be able to return then starscream walks in and she shoots a glare. He walks up to Megatron and they start talking then he points at her. And she swipes at his digit he pulls away and looks at her. She growls and hisses at him telling him to back off. Megatron chuckles at her reaction she quickly turns and shoots a glare. And hisses meaning she not in a good of a mood to be messed with. Then something starts to play and she dances along just to clam her nerves. This surprises him Soudwave stares in silents even the rest of the crew were staring. Elist starts to purr in happiness soon the song ends and she looks around. She blushes of embarrassment knowing that she danced in front of everyone. Including megatron himself she only does that just to try to get Ratchet's attention. Or just trying to came him smile a little. Sometimes he blushes when its just him and her and she dances just for the heck of it. Then Knockout and breakdown comes in walks over to elist she hisses at them. Breakdown chuckles and tries to pet her but she swipes. At his digit its bad enough that she's here now their trying to pet her. She only lets Ratchet pet her knockout stretches out his servo. She backs up and hisses her optics dilates, and her ears flatten. And she scratches his faceplate causing him to bleed. He looks at her furious then another song plays. And she dances along to the beat matching the rhythm then the song ends. Elist hangs her helm low and lets tears flow free knowing she can't do any thing. She's not like her master, or the others she defenseless. Then she felt a servo rubbing her helm making her purr. She rarely lets anyone pet her if you're not her master. Then it starts scratches under her chin making her. Purr louder then she nuzzles against the servo then she hears. Someone chuckle she looks up and flattens her ears. Realizing that it was megatron's servo she blushes a slight bit of blue. He seems to have noticed that she blushed and grins. She starts to get teary optic then Megatron wipes away. The tears from her optics she just looks away she not wanting to admit. That she's falling for the mech of all mechs it had have to be him. Why can't it be her master and not megatron then she felt. Something around her neck she tries to take it off. But then it shocks her making her cry out in pain. Knockout tells her its her collar if she gets lost they'll track her signal. Making her want to take it off even more she glares. At them and growls making them chuckle knowing that she can't do a thing. She slides down against the wall and pulls her knees up against her chest. Her ears flatten against her helm she hides. Her faceplate and cries as her tail twitches and everyone. Goes back to what they were doing elist cries herself to recharge. Then she was dreaming that she was back at base with her master. Getting his attention and watching what he was doing on the monitor. When everything went black and the emergency. Lights came on and she found everyone dead even ratchet she. Immediately woke up form the dream with tears streaming down her faceplate. Elist quickly stood up and ran as tears still continue to fall. Until she ran into the storage room full of energon cubes. And stayed there for awhile until she hears someone call. Her name she didn't answer she just stayed quiet then the door slide open. To reveal megatron she transformed and shrunk her size and ran out the door. Right between his legs and continued to the brig where soundwave was. And hide under the monitor where soundwave was at. Then megatron came in asking him where she was soundwave moved out of the way. And grabbed her from underneath the monitor she growled and hissed. And jumped out of his servo and ran again. This made megatron mad so he had knockout and breakdown. To fined her and bring her to him immediately. He even had starscream to look for her even though he didn't want to. After what felt like hours they finally fined her hiding underneath some energon cubes. So they took her megatron who was at his desk going over. Some datapads then he turned around and elist just hissed. And ran underneath his desk and stayed not wanting to come out. Until her energy got low she slowly came out from underneath. The desk and noticed that there was a bowl of energon she walked over. And lick it up until there was no more left then she jumped up on. His desk and took a cat nap then the door slides open. Megatron noticed that she was taking a nap after she finished. Her bowl of energon that was left out for her so he walked up and gently pet her. Making her purr and stretch out she woke up. And played with his digit and playfully biting it then megatron. Was called to the brig and he took elist along to. When he got there a video message it was optimus. Elist was happy to see optimus and smiled. Optimus noticed and smiled back she also noticed ratchet in the background. And meowed to get his attention witch worked he turned and smiled. Elist jumped out of his servo and on to the monitor. And purred in happiness making ratchet chuckle. She meowed ratchet agreed and asked if they had hurt her. She glares at megatron and hisses then he picks her form. The monitor and starts petting her when he pets that. One spot making her purr he even told ratchet its interesting. How cybertronian pets do things just to get. Their master's attention and that they'll even dance. To any music that caused ratchet to blush. Then ratchet noticed the collar around. Her neck she jumped from his servo and transformed. Back to her cybertronian self and tried. To take it off it shock again making her. Cry out in pain then she heard miko play. Her electric guitar and she danced along and blushing. Knowing that ratchet is watching soon miko stopped. Elist looked at optimus and ratchet to see them blushing. Even megatron and the others where blushing elist was blushing. Of embarrassment knowing she danced in front of the prime. And the others she hung her helm low. Then she heard her master's gruffy voice speak up she glanced up. Her ears perked up then her spark sunk and tears started to flow. Is what he just said true NO! She refused to believe it its not true. Her spark shattered even more when optimus confirmed that it was true. She was so spark broken she walked up behind an unsuspected 'con. And dragged him in the center of the room and she ripped him in two . She also pulled out his spark then throw it on the ground and she ran off megatron had to ended the. Transmission and go fined elist when he walked. Past a room he heard soft gentle cries but it was locked. He knocked on the door she growled in response. But he opened the door anyways only to see her huddled in a corner. Silently sweeping its bad enough that she can no longer go back. To team prime, but to be rejected by her master. That has to hurt before he ended the video call he was how ratchet was. When he said that she no longer aloud back to base. He must have really liked elist then he saw how upset. Elist really was that does not matter anymore. She is now part of the decepticons now no longer an autobot. Elist transformed into her cat form and cuddled at megatron's peds. He lifted her up and took her to his berth room. And put her on his berth she curled up and took a nap. Megatron slowly stroked her helm making her purr. While she sleeps when all got quiet she quickly sunk out. Of his room and ran to the brig. And type in the coordinates and opened the ground bridge. She ran through when she was out of the ground bridge. It remained opened then another one opened revealing optimus. And the others elist slowly walked up to them. They were surprised to see her then she heard. A familiar gruffy voice she ran to him and hugged him. Then she felt tears fall on her amourplating she looked at him. She meowed her last good-by, but told them something they'll. Never forget 'I maybe on the opposing side but always remember am' I always an autobot'. With that said she left and the ground bridge closed behind her. When she walked out of the ground bridge she was greeted by. A upset warlord her ears flatten against her helm he walked right up to her. And carried her back to his berth room and set her. On his berth she transformed back into her cat form and curls back up. And falls into recharge while megatron continues to look over some datapads. Then she wake up and slides off the berth and walks over to megatron. And jumps up on his lap and curls up while purring away. He glanced down and looked at her and she stared back. Then she stood on her two hind legs while facing him and transformed. Now she was sitting in his lap with a smirk on her faceplate. He had on clue what she was doing so she leaned in closer. An inch away close enough where they could feel each others. Breath then she closed the gape by crashing her lips with his. This caught him off guard and he kissed back soon the kiss. Got heated and rough their lips moved in sync. They continued their little fun on his berth, but elist had a few tricks up. Her sleeves soon she was on top of megatron and she. Had him pinned down stills kissing then she licked. His lower lip asking for an entrance he chuckles denying . Her request she growled before he could do. Anything she slowly stroked his aft making him gasp. She slide her glossa in his mouth. Their glossa intertwined and fought for dominance elist came out dominate. They pulled apart breathing heavily she decided to entertain. Her new master by showing how she hypnotize. And memorizes her old master she slide off the berth. And slowly starts to dance to the beat of Rude Boy by Rihanna. Making his spark skip a beat with every swing of her hip. Makes him blush darker she seems to have noticed. And continues to dances to the beat and motions him. To join in the fun he gladly joins. And soon after their little fun she became his dancer and pet. She'e only aloud out of the nemesis if. There is no autobots around, or if she's with him and they needed fresh air.
~ yeah i's dune sarry if its poop i ain't good with this yet ~
Megatron's Dancer
Fanfiction~ I don't own TFP I don't own the character it belongs to DarkLordOfLemons she's letting me borrow her oc. I only own the plot. And I'm not adding the description cause I don't feel like it. And it would have gone to the dark side bye ~