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"your pregnant" The doctor said

"what no I can't be that's impossible" Fiona stated very blankly in fact it was impossible no supreme every was able to have children ever

"well I guess miracles happen everyday" the doctor stated "would you like to see your baby"

"I-I-I-I G-guess" she stuttered she was about to cry Fiona maybe a cold hearted bitch but all she ever truly wanted was a baby it's what any little girl every wants is a husband and a family and here she was a new supreme and she was to be the first supreme to have a baby she was ecstatic but at the same time afraid because her husband just left her for a younger women and she has to tell him and she has to deal with having a child all by herself because her husband was psychotic asshole and he never wanted children the only reason why he didn't abuse her was because he was afraid of her I mean she is the supreme after all you don't piss off the supreme ever but still they talked about more or less she talked about having his children but he would always say he never wanted her to have his children but here she is finding out she is caring his child and the women he stepped out on her with was pregnant to so I guess he didn't truly want anything to do with he only wanted her for the sex and that was it which hurt her deeply but when he left her she vowed to never show her true feelings to any man ever again and I mean ever not even her true love the axeman.

"ok this will be cold" the doctor said placing the gel on her stomach making goosebumps appear on her bear stomach "there there is your baby" he said pointing to the screen

"that little peanut thing" she asked as she was about to cry her eyes glazed over

"yes ma'am that's there is your baby and there you will see your other baby" he stated chiperly

"b-b-babies" she questioned

"yes your babies ma'am you are expecting twins" he stated firmly

"OH OH MY GOD I'M HAVING TWINS" she finally let the flood gates open the doctor wiped the gel off of her stomach

"I will just leave and I will schedule your next appointment and you should get a call from the office to tell you when it is ok" He said as he left the room

when she made it to her car she smashed her hands into the seat her vela asked" are you alright Mrs.Goode"

"no Arnold I'm not can I sit up there with you" over the years she had grown a liking to her driver Arnold he was like the father she never had

" anything for you miss" he answered

when she got to the front passenger seat she curled up into a ball and laid her head on Arnold's lap and cried Arnold having known what she was going through because the doctor came out before she got there to inform him she was pregnant so that way he knew what to expect.

"there there Fiona it will all be ok he was an asshole anyway so you don't have to tell him about the twins" he soothed

"what what how did you know and he is " she looked up at his sparkly blue pools of nothing but love for this women laying beside him

"he told me " he answered softly

"ok why are you so good to me Arnie" she cried

"because I love you" he confessed

"but but no body ever loves me I just hurt people that's all I ever do i hurt people I love like I probably will hurt these babies I don't deserve people loving me I don't deserve these precious little ones" she said gently placing her hand on her stomach and slowly rubbing it ever so gently

"yes yes you do just listen to me you deserve this and much more let me show you how much you deserve and let me help you raise your children" He pleaded

Fiona GoodeWhere stories live. Discover now