Chapter 1: Savior

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It was dawn. God was I tired. I haven't slept in days. The thought of sleep made my body shiver. I saw a store in the distance as I got closer I quickened me pace. I put my hands on the handle and opened the door. It seemed empty. I saw a few dead walkers on the ground this was freshly done. I walked all the way in and heard stuff moving. I drew my knife and slowly walked towards the noise until I heard the all to familiar sounds of a loaded gun click. Damn it. "Drop your weapon and you live. Try something stupid and you won't. Simple enough?" I sighed in defeat and lowered all my weapons. He checked me to make sure I wasn't hiding any and then handed my weapons back. "Rick. You are?" "Doshianique." wow. Never thought I'd hear my name ever again. He pointed to a guy with a crossbow, he was taller then me. Handsome. Built nice. "That's Daryl." he pointed to a woman with a huge sword "michonne." I nodded and they exchanged glances before Daryl stepped forward " you alone?" I nodded slowly. He once again exchanged glances with Rick before turning his attention back to me. "We have a group. At a prison. You can come with us if you want"
"Thank you" they all nodded and I went over and shoved some food and water in my bag when I felt like I was being watched. I looked up to see Glenn he smiled "how are you on ammo?" I have four bullets" "here." he tossed a box of ammo into my lap I loaded my gun and put the rest in my bag "thanks" "don't mention it" "guys I think it's time to go" I looked at Rick confused until I saw walkers at the Windows. We all ran out of the store shooting the closest ones I headed to the truc but was cut off when heard Daryl yell I shot the walked around him and he stabbed the one on him. He hopped onto his motorcycle and I followed. We took off to the prison. The ride was quiet but we were accompanied by the roar of the engine and the truck in front of us. We reached the prison and the gate was pulled open by a little boy and an older woman. After we stopped Rick introduced me to everyone and then he sighed "there aren't any cells left but there's a vacant guard tower" just as I opened my mouth Daryl came over "she can share my cell" and I mouthed a thank you to him. I was handed clean clothes by Maggie "I think this suits you" I smiled and she showed me to the showers, she left and I showered, god did soap smell like complete and udder bliss, after I was done I changed into the clothes Maggie had given me:

 I was handed clean clothes by Maggie "I think this suits you" I smiled and she showed me to the showers, she left and I showered, god did soap smell like complete and udder bliss, after I was done I changed into the clothes Maggie had given me:

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felt so different. Clean. And I didn't stink like the dead. Maybe I could like this place. Daryl tapped my shoulder and I jumped "hey I put your stuff in my cell. Only one on top. I'll take the floor" "No I'm fine on the floor. Its your cell." he just nodded "dinner is down the hall" I followed him down the hall and the smell of food made my mouth water. Carol handed me a plate of food and I gratefully took and ate it. Afterwards everyone headed to their cells but Glenn stopped me "if you need anything me and Maggie are the one with the purple and yellow blanket" I smiled and thanked him then I made my way to mine and Daryl's cell and tripped over him I rubbed my knee and turned on the light "what the hell are you doing?" "I was sleeping" "get on the bed" "no" I growled "ugh such a stubborn jackass" I got onto the bed and covered up and immediately fell asleep. "Mom! Come on we can make it!" " no we can't just go Doshianique" "No! No! No!" I was awoken by someone shaking me. I was crying and just wrapped my arms around whoever it was who woke me up and bawled into his chest. I could tell it was Daryl by his large arms wrapping around me. He rocked back and forth in till I calmed down. I pulled away and out of his grip. "I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" he nodded "yeah. Its fine what happened?" "Nothing just a bad dream" he laid down on the bed and patted his chest I laid down and laid my head on his chest. His heart beat was calming and I felt safe. After a while I started to get sleepy and I kissed his cheek and laid my head back down and drifted into a dreamless slumber. I woke up and stretched I walked down and out the prison to see Daryl getting ready to go on a run. I ran to him "Hey! Where are you going?" "daycare about 6 miles from here. You wanna go?" "Ya" I hopped on his bike and Carl came running "you forgot your machete" I smiled "thank you" he simply nodded before turning away and running to the gate. As the trees whisked past us I notice we were going to the daycare my little sister would go to. We got there and I sighed and we went in. It was free of walkers. Daryl went and searched the back while I searched the front rooms of the daycare. I saw pictures of the children and saw caylee. I stared at it. I miss her so much. I felt a few tears fall from my face and then I felt Daryl beside me and wiped my eyes. He grabbed her picture from the wall and left. I stayed staring at the wall. I sighed and turned around trying to forget the pain and I looked in all the cabinets in the bathroom. I used to volunteer here in the summer. Caylee loved it. They had extra baby stuff just incase they got new babies to take care of. I saw formula. Outfits. New pacifiers. And teething toys. I shoved it all into my bag and when I turned around Daryl was standin in the doorway "was that your kid?" I laughed "No she uh she was my little sister. I'd come down here in the summer and volunteer here. She and her friends would always stay right next to me all day. It was almost like having 4 little sibling instead of one" he just nodded in response and handed me a frame. I tired it around and saw caylee's picture along with her colored handprint in there. I hugged Daryl and he was kinda just there. He didn't know what to do. I pulled away and wiped my eyes once more "Thank you so much" "You're welcome" and with that we left and I soon saw the prison. We drove up the dirt path and unloaded everything the guys were talking about the governor and I had an idea....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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