The Fifth

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(Emma and Daniel walk into the Training Room by theirselves)
Emma: Daniel, where's dad?
Daniel: I don't know. He said he'd meet me here 10 minutes ago. I'll go look for him. (He runs off and Emma takes a seat on the steps. She pulls out her phone texts Douglas)
(Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo walk into the Training Room. Emma jumps up)
Emma: Who are you?
Chase: Who are you?
Bree: And why are you in our Training Room? (Emma prepares her forcefield)
Emma: I don't know who you are but stay away from me.
Chase: You're bionic. (Chase prepares his laser bo)
Emma: Who isn't these days? My brother's bionic too.
Leo: Who's your brother?
(Daniel walks in the room)
Emma and Chase: Daniel!
Emma: How do you know him?
Chase: Me? How do you know him?
(They start walking toward each other ready to charge)
Daniel: Okay guys just chill.
Emma: Daniel what are you talking about? Get over here and help me.
Chase: Don't listen to her Daniel, come and fight with your family.
Emma: Wait, what? Daniel I'm your sister.
Bree: Sister?!
Emma: Yes, Daniel's my twin.
Adam: Wait, I'm confused.
Leo: Adam you're always confused.
Chase: Daniel you've got a lot of explaining to do.
Daniel: Okay, okay, Emma this is Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo, your brothers and sis. Guys this is Emma, your little sister.
Emma: Danny why didn't you tell me?
Douglas: Why didn't Daniel tell you what?
Daniel: Where have you been?
Emma: We've been looking all over for you!
Chase: Is this Emma really our sister?
Bree: Please say yes, I HAVE to have a sister!
Douglas: Will you all chill? Yes Chase, Emma really is your sister.
Bree: Yes! I've finally got a sister!
Douglas: As for you two. I was in a meeting when you called and texted me ten million times!
Emma: Because it was important.
Douglas: What is it? What happened?
Emma: (Glances nervously at Daniel) We saw him.
Douglas: You mean---? (They nod) Where?
Emma: Mission Creek.
Douglas: You went back to Mission Creek?!
Daniel: Oh come on dad, we had to go see some friends before we moved here permanently!
Chase: Wait, they're moving here?
Douglas: Yes, Emma and Daniel will move in here so they can both train.
Bree: Sweet!!
Leo: Whose this "he" you keep talking about. (He makes quote questers with his hands when he says he)
Douglas: Emma and Daniel have been working on some undercover work for me. They've been watching a new threat.
Leo: Are you going to tell us who he is?
Douglas: His name is Alex Dalton.
Chase: (Chuckles) That doesn't sound like a threatening name.
Adam: Yeah. What did he do?
Emma: He blew up dad's new lab and tried to kill Daniel and me. Twice.
Chase: Well someone had mommy problems.
Douglas: Did he try to hurt you?
Daniel: No, he never saw us.
Emma: We saw him and then ran. (Donald walks in the room)
Donald: Hey guy-- Ahh! (Points at Daniel and Emma) What are you two doing here?
Emma: What are you talking about?
Daniel: Yeah Uncle Donnie, we're here to talk to dad.
Donald: You two tried to kill me this morning.
Douglas: What?! (He looks at Daniel and Emma) What is he talking about?!
Daniel: I don't know!
Emma: Me either!
Donald: I went to get a coffee while I was on the main land and you two tried to kill me!
Daniel and Emma: No we didn't!
Emma: Why would we ever do that Uncle Donnie?!
Donald: I don't know but you did!
Douglas: One of you better tell me what happened before both of y'all are grounded!
Emma: But dad we didn't do anything!
Chase: Mr. Davenport are you sure they are the ones who would try to kill you?
Bree: Chase is right Mr. Davenport, Daniel would never hurt you.
Leo: And Emma doesn't seem like the person who would control Daniel's bionics and make him attack you.
Adam: (Gasps) But what if they weren't them!
Leo: Don't be stupid Adam of course they were themselves.
Chase: Hang on a sec Leo, Adam has a point.
Leo: What?!
Chase: What if they weren't themselves.
Bree: You mean you think this Alex Dalton guy activated their Trident App?
Douglas: It has to be. Daniel and Emma would never do anything like that.
Chase: Mr. Davenport, were Daniel and Emma's eyes green when you saw them?
Donald: No.
Leo: That doesn't mean anything, Taylor's eyes weren't green when she was being controlled by the Trident App.
Emma: Taylor? She's here?
Douglas: Yes Emma she's here.
Emma: Where is she?
Douglas: Later Emma.
Emma: (Mumbling) Fine.
Chase: Douglas, do you think Alex activated their Trident Apps?
Douglas: He had to have. I'm going to look at the servalance tapes from where they attacked you and see if I can find anything.
Donald: I'll help.
(Donald and Douglas walk out of the room leaving Adam, Bree, Chase, Daniel, Emma and Leo in the training room)
Bree: So, what bionics does my new little sister have?
Emma: Super-speed, super-strength, super-intelligence, and some other small bits.
Daniel: And all dad gave me was power replication.
Leo: And laser eyes. (He points over to Daniel)
Emma: So what?! You have like, every bionic you could ever want! As long as someone else has it.
Daniel: Yeah but I--
Chase: Break it up!
Emma: So what do y'all do for fun?
Chase: We plan our--
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No we don't! (He looks at Emma) We beat Chase up.
Chase: Hey wait a second! (Adam, Bree and Chase all get into an argument)
Emma: Hey! Y'all break it up!
(Everyone gets real quiet real quick)
Emma: Thank you. If y'all argue for fun then I've got some new ideas. (She tags Daniel and runs off) You're it!
Daniel: No way! (He tags Adam who punches Chase and they all run away)
Chase: I can't believe I'm playing this. (He runs off to find and tag the others)
(Later back in the training room)
Emma: Now that's how you have fun!
Chase: That was actually kinda fun.
Bree: My new sister is awesome!
Emma: My new sister is awesome!
(Suddenly Douglas comes running in the room)
Daniel: Dad did you find out anything?
Douglas: No, all the surveillance cameras were disconnected.
Chase: So whoever did this knew what he was doing.
Douglas: I'm sill afraid it was Alex. Daniel, Emma, I need to see your bionic chip. Maybe i can find a clue there.
Daniel and Emma: Okay. Douglas removes their chips) Alright, Donnie and I will see what we can find.
(He walks out of the training room)
Emma: Well guys i'm going to sleep.
Daniel: Me too.
Adam, Bree, Chase: Good night guys.
(Everyone goes off to their rooms for the night)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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