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"Don't come any closer!" The old man yelled at the man with swords as they drew close to him, behind him was a teenage girl shaking in fear and anger. Her hair shining dark midnight blue and her eyes a crystal blue color her angular face resting on her elegant neck, and on her neck was a tattoo of a black dragon breathing white fire that wrapped her neck. The mark of the Dràgon Clan. A clan that was hunted into extinction for their pure power, power of magic and their ability to shift into dragons. She was the last.

"Give us the girl, Lestro!" The man, Fellon, the girl recognized him as such, "give us Nova!" He snarled the name, causing the girls eyes to widen in pain, "or die." He said the last word with sadness and hopefulness that the man would let the girl die.

"I can't do that, Fellin, you know that." Fellon shook his head in sadness, "then this is your fault" and pointed at the girl with a snarl, then raising his sword and bringing it down in a fatal blow. The people behind him watched on as the mans head slowly fell off, with his corpse falling down in a bloody heap.

As silence fell over the towns people, Nova's painful wail disturbed it. Her sobs raining in on the towns people's ears causing remorse to fall over the crowd.

Whispers of immorality and sadness were told as they looked down or at their neighbor.

Fellon looked down at mans corpse, then at its severed head, and then to the sobbing girl who's eyes were as wide as the moon and tears looking like bullets from her eyes which suddenly jerked towards the sword welding man.

"You!" She snarled, wiping the tears that rested on her pale cheeks, "You did this! You monster!" She screamed at the man who murdered her adopted father.

"I-I-" he stammered, takes steps away from the girl who stood shaking in the corner where her father protected and died for her.

Her now dark blue eyes looking out onto the onlookers as she finally took form, her shaking slowly taking form of the black dragon she was, stretchy and elongating causing the crowd to all but run away in fear (although some did) many just took steps back into the luxury village, as she stood in between two trees and a field.

Her body finally taking shape, her midnight blue scales blending into the darkness, only her eyes and a few of her feathers, that were silver, could be seen.

As the dragoness stood shaking, her full height of about 16 feet tall and around 24 feet long, her tail taking up most of the length, she was very proportionate. Her teeth were massive and razor sharp, as well as her eagle like claws, her spikes along the back and around her tail, massive and sharp.

As she stood on to her full height, standing well over the tallest man their, then expanding her massive wings (wingspan of 32 feet, her age only 19).

She looked down on the frightened villagers, then sent out a powerful thought, "Be glad, humans, for I am not the monster you try to make me out to be. No. I will not and do not kill unnecessarily." And with that final thought gave push with her wings, sending her straight into the air and away from her home.

And the start of her brand new life.

Yes, this is the prologue and ya.

"Normal" "Elf language" " communicating through mind" "emphasis"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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