Difsys pov: Me, lindsay, and janelle go to the park and all i see is lukas making out with some girl whatta fuckboi i hate him
Luk:hey guys Lind&J&D: hey D: making out with another girl i see Luk: hey im not the one who decied to break us up D: whatever 😒
Idk why i did this but i knew i was gunna regret it i went on top of lindsays and lukas's school roof it wasnt that tall we all thought it was a good idea. It was a stupid ass idea thats for sure when we got on the roof it started to rain i decided to go on the edge cuz it looked fun i noticed tho it was slippery i tried to scream but it was too late janelle and lindsay were on there phones and lukas was making out with the girl. Yea thats right i fell
Janelles pov: Look at difsy cant she tell its raining why is she on the edge imma just snapchat this I was gunna snapchat a pic but i decided to take a vid instead i was gunna say wtf is dis gurl doing but b4 i could say anything she just fell LOLLL I GOT THAT ON TAPE THIS IS GUNNA BECOME A VIRAL VIDEO on the other hand
J: OMG DIFSYY *looks down the edge to see difsy laying on the ground* u dead? Lind: NO SHIT SHES DEAD well we dont know if shes dead but shes hurt LUKAS STOP MAKING OUT WITH THE GIRL AND GET DIFSY Luk: why where is she anyways J: on the ground stupid idiot Luk: wdym Lind: SHE FELL OFF THE ROOF IDIOT IF U WERE PAYING ATTENTION MAYBE U WOULD OF SAW Luk: WELL IM SOR- J: WOULD U GUYS SHUTUP AND CALL THE COPS BEFORE DIFSY ACTUALLY DOES DIES
Lindsays pov: Lukas just pisses me off sometimes like ugh SOMEONES DYING AND ALL HE CARES ABOUT IS PLEASURING ANOTHER WOMEN what did difsy see in him
In the distance we hear WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO when the ambulance comes and takes difsys body me, lukas, and janelle had to go to the police station to talk u all know what that means
*police station*
Lind: R WE GOING TO JAIL J: WILL THIS BE ON MY RECORD Luk: can i leave please Police: CAN U ALL STAY QUIET PLEASE... thank u now I'm gunna ask one more time what would have caused difsy to jump J: I TOLD U SHE WAS BEING STUPID AND SHE SLIPPED ITS EITHER THAT or *looks at lukas* Lind: *looks at lukas* Luk: WHAT its not my fault shes the one who broke up with me
Lukas pov: Police: please come with me Luk: ouu where we goin
*police locks lukas up in cell*
Luk: WHAT NO JANELLE LINDSAY PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME lind&jan: sorry lukas *runs out door*
And thats the end of dukas thank u. Dont be sad they're still gunna be in my story just not as u know the love of dukas cuz we all know thats never gunna happen again. Anyways imma show u a sneak peak of my next love couple, go all the way down ⬇
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