Chapter 26: Coming Clean

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Chapter 26

For the rest of that day, me and Niall just stayed at home, messing around and having fun. The other boys had gone out so we had the house to ourselves. All day, we had been playing on the Xbox and PS3, our 3DS', eating food, mostly eating food, and an odd kiss now and then. Now, we were sat on the sofa, me snuggled into his chest, his arm around me, watching 'Letters To Juliette'. I love this film! But, I've never seen the ending. I always seem to fall asleep before I have the chance. I was starting to drop off to sleep just when the ending was coming. No, not this time sleep! You are not getting me this time! I was fighting to go to sleep but sleep was winning. My eyes started to droop and I went into a dreamless sleep.

*Niall's P.O.V*

Me and Lauren were both sat, cuddling, watching a film. I noticed that Lauren was starting to nod off to sleep. She is seriously just the cutest thing ever! After a fw minutes, little snores started coming from Lauren, telling me she was asleep. Being careful and trying not to wake her up, I gently lifted her up in my arms and carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom. Laying her down on one side of the bed, I lifted the cover on the other side and then lifted her and laid her down on the part uncovered. Pulling the duvet back over her body, she instantly snuggled up inside of them. I started to walk out of her room and I was just about to shut the door when something was said that echoed through the bedroom. "Stay." 

"Lauren, I can't." I replied, walking over to her so I wasn't shouting. A sudden movement of an arm grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto the bed.

"Stay, please." She moaned with that beautiful voice of hers. Looking at her face in the dark, she had her eyes wide open and was showing that puppy dog face of hers. "Fine." She just gave me a small, warm smile, then turned onto her side, facing away from me and snuggled further into the cover. Taking off my shirt, so I was still in my trackies (jogging bottoms/ joggers) on, I climbed into bed. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her closer, instantly earning a moan of approval. I gave out a little giggle and buried my chin into the crook of her neck. A few moments later, I could hear little snores coming from Lauren's mouth and I couldn't help myself but silently 'aww'. She's just too cute! A few moments later, my eyes started to droop and a few seconds later, I was in a deep sleep.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

Starting to slightly open my eyes, I noticed I was laid in a bed. To be specific, my bed. I could feel something around my waist, so I moved my head to make me face what it was, and saw Niall laid there with his mouth slightly open and little snores escaping through it. Why does he have to be so fucking cute?! I moved my hand so it was just resting over his cheek. I moved my thumb down and slightly stroked his cheek. He slightly moved under my touch and a small smile crept upon his face. Trying not to wake him up, I slowly leaned in towards him and kissed his forehead. Moving my head back, I looked back at Niall and his small smile had turned into a massive grin. I just laid there, staring at him for a while, until my phone beeped, saying I had a notification. Picking it up and squinting from the brightness of the screen, I read what it said and it was from Twitter. Unlocking the screen opened up Twitter for me automatically, so when it loaded, I clicked on my mentions and they were blowing up. I was scrolling down them until I noticed one saying 'Is it true? @Harry_Styles is cheating on @pipertothelauren?' Wait, what? Pressing the home button, I pressed on 'Safari' and went onto Google and typed in 'Harry Styles cheating' and that's where I saw it all. Pages after pages just full of websites creating story after story about this. I couldn't believe that he couldn't keep it private that he had already found another girl. I mean c'mon! He sounds like such a man whore! I quickly went back onto Twitter and onto my direct messages and sent a new message to Harry. 'Are you going to tell them or am I?' I soon got a reply.

'Tell who, what?' Really? Is he seriously that stupid? 'Tell everyone that we've broken up and that you aren't actually cheating, who's gonna broadcast it, me or you?' 'You I cba' Wow thanks Harry! I went onto my home page and pressed on the 'New Tweet' icon and started typing:

'All of these rumors about Harry are NOT true!' Instantly, I got tweets back, some nice and the usual hate. I sent another tweet out: 'Few days ago, me and @Harry_Styles ended our relationship, agreeing we would still be friends.' After sending that tweet, everywhere was going crazy! People re-tweeting me, screen shotting the tweet and using it in stories they were creating off of the top of their heads, which will probably be all over the front page of newspapers in the morning. I guess that's the price to pay when you date or even know a world-wide famous person. Especially, someone that's one of the most famous people in the world. I guess it won't be long 'till it gets out about my new relationship with Niall. They will probably think I just jump from guy to guy and try to get the famous ones for fame and fortune, when in fact I'm just a small town girl originally from the North East of England. (Btw the destination part is actually where I live! c:) With a sigh, I pressed the home button on my phone, then locked it and placed it back on the bedside table. Trying not to wake Niall, I carefully removed his arms from around my waist and climbed out of bed. Walking over to my wardrobe and set of draws, I picked out any bra and knickers and looked out of the window to see what the weather was like. The black clouds were slowly creeping in, so instead of wearing a dress or shorts, I wore a simple outfit but one that is also presentable. I picked out a pair of dark blue jeans, a blouse that had elegant butterflies imprinted on it, a black blazer that had a silky material on the inside, and some cream coloured flats that had a petite bow on the top of them. Going into the bathroom, I switched on the shower and let the water run a little. After stripping off my clothes, I put under the running water to see if it was the right heat and as soon as it was, I climbed in. Letting my hair get wet, I grabbed my mint scented shampoo and put a bit in my hair, making sure I had rubbed it in fully. Then, I washed it out. Then, I put a bit of tangerine (orange) scented conditioner on the ends of my hair and made sure I had thoroughly washed it out. Rubbing it on my body, I washed off my 'Lynx for her' body lotion. Turning off the shower, I climbed out and grabbed my towel. Grabbing another towel, I wrapped it around my head, so when I was getting dried water didn't drip onto my back. After drying myself, I got myself dressed then shook my hair with the towel so it wouldn't take long to dry. Plugging in the hair dryer, I blowdried my hair until every last strand was completely dry. After swapping the hairdryer for straighteners, I straightened my hair then fish tail braided it going down past my left ear. I applied a little mascara and my favourite lip-stick and lip-gloss, which when mixed together, create a natural lip colour with a little glitter added. But I didn't do all this until after I had brushed my teeth. I quickly sprayed some ' Impulse; Loving Words' deodorant on me and then sprayed some 'Sex  In The City; Lust' perfume on me. Finally finishing in the bathroom, I walked back into the bedroom to find an empty bed. Eh, Niall went to get dressed or something to eat. Walking down the stairs, I  went straight into the kitchen to get breakfast and what did I tell you? Niall was stood there buttering toast. I silently giggled and went and sat down on the sofa, grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. Browsing through the channels, I decided on Friends. I just love this show! I wish they didn't stop it. Not gonna lie, at the end of the last episode, I cried. 

I was too engrossed into the show to realise that jam coated toast and a glass of apple juice was placed on the coffee table in front of me. Finally taking notice, I looked to my side and saw Niall sat there staring at me with a big grin on his face.

"I made you breakfast." He said, and I couldn't stop myself laughing. 

"Haha, thanks." I giggled, giving him a kiss. As I was about to break away, arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. We were sat there, not wanting to break the heated moment we were in, that was until a door slammed shut. In shock, we both broke away and looked towards where the slam came from and saw...

Is This Real Life? (Harry Styles/Niall Horan Fan-Fiction) *COMPLETED - IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now