5. Misty

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They are everywhere...Is this where it ends? Misty lowered the axe from her hands. She closed her eyes, and prepared herself for the sweet release of death. Just as the nearest infected was about to sink his teeth into her, its head exploded. Misty jumped at the sound of a gunshot. She looked around her, and saw the infected dropped to the ground. She looked up to see a man she recognized, but couldn't remember where she had seen him. He stood at the edge opposite of her at the clearing. Misty was petrified. She was frozen in time. The man came closer to her, but her vision was getting blurry. The sounds around her were muffled. The trees started to spin, and the world faded to black.

Misty awoke to being in a house. She was under covers in a warm bed, the sun was just barley showing in the closed window. She sat up, and looked around. There were pictures on the walls, one of a garden and another of a barn on a prairie. The clock kept blinking 12:00 a.m. She stood up to get out of bed, heard voices and hammers banging on things down the hall. She walked down the hallway, and saw two men. One of the men turned, and smiled at her. "Good morning. Sleep well?" The first man asked. "Yeah, how are you felling?" The second asked. Misty responded "Do I know you?" Edward looked at her with a confused face. "I'm Edward, this is my friend, Jackie." Misty then remembered. These two were regular customers around the diner. "I'm Misty, I remember you two from the diner. You two showed up almost every day." Edward and Jack looked at each other, puzzled.

Misty was enjoying her nice warm hot-chocolate while Edward and Jack told her what had happened to them. Misty was very fascinated, but forgiving at the same time. "I'm sorry about your house" She told them. Misty decided to tell them about her trip to get here.

It was a bright and early morning in her apartment. She woke up to her dog barking to get some breakfast. She got out of bed, and did the usual routine. She fed the dog, ate cereal for breakfast, and went to shower. Then she brushed her teeth, and got ready for work. On the way out, she got a text message telling her that she wasn't needed downtown today. She didn't think much of it, and just went back inside and watched T.V. She decided to turn on the news and see how the weather was. Instead, there was an emergency alert. The next thing she knows, she's on the floor, her dog waking her up for breakfast. She thought it was odd, but she got up and walked over to the window. The glass was everywhere. When she looked outside, the landscape was terrible. The trees were all brown with no leaves, there was what appears to be snow falling everywhere, which she found weird, because it was the middle of summer. She saw that the rest of the apartment complexes and buildings were all window-less. She thought she was dreaming, but something deep down inside of her told her-She wasn't dreaming.

She stopped and came back to reality. She looked around the room, and Edward had a worried look on his face. Jack, however looked like he couldn't care less. Edward kept asking if she was ok. Her response was always the same "Yes, I'll be ok. You need to be ok to." Edward grinned, and sat back on the couch.

Jack looked at the front door, and said "I guess we're running out of supplies. I need to go back out there and look." So Jack got up and left the other two to get aquatinted.

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