Ban x Reader Lemon

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You were just laying on the bed that you and Ban shared. Ban was currently at a bar (obviously wasn't a big surprise) you were cuddling up with all your anime blankets, with your laptop on your lap while you watch the "Seven Deadly Sins". You always loved watching this anime because Ban was in it of course. Oh how your heart always fluttered when you saw him. His beautiful red eyes, his abs, his voice, and oh those fangs. Those sharp fangs that would slowly sink into your neck when you and Ban made love.

You shook your head quickly, "no no no! S..stop thinking about that!" You yelled at yourself, a blush rising onto your face. You laid back, your breathing increased and trying to calm yourself down. Suddenly you heard the front door open and close with the lock sound. Ban was home. You quickly shut your laptop off and set it on the night stand, shuffling around to get comfortable and you closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep. You heard his drunk ass fumble around down in the kitchen, obviously probably getting himself something to eat. He is always hungry when he gets home from a night out. After a while you could smell the delicious scent of pancakes. Dammit..they were chocolate chip too, your favorite. You just shrugged it off and curled back into your blankets, deciding to cuddle with Ban's pillow. All of a sudden you heard the bedroom door open and heard Ban taking off his clothes. Your blush once again rose to your face, it wasn't the first time you've seen him naked either, it's hard to explain your love for him.

You felt the side of the bed being sinking in, knowing it was Ban crawling into bed. You rolled onto your left side, back facing toward him. Ban had a grin on his face and gentle brushed his finger tips along your arm down to your hips, then to your outer thighs. You tried so hard to not let out a shudder but you failed. You decided to make a tired voice "mmn..Ban..go to sleep."
"But (name) I'm not tired, I'm wide awake." He said, his voice husky. "Well to something then that will make you tired." You groaned.
His smirk suddenly grew and he grabbed your shoulder, pushing you onto your back. Your eyes widen, looking into his lust filled red ones.
"B..Ban.." your voice shaked.
"(Name)...I'm sorry for always leaving you at night to drinking.." his voice was suddenly soft and very gentle. He brought his hand up and cupped your cheek, leaning in and kissing you slowly and passionatly. You could taste the alcohol but you didn't care.

Your eyes were shut gently as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He stopped kissing you and started to gently suck on your neck, sinking his fangs into you slowly. You winced but moaned out at the same time. "B..Ban." a few tears left your eyes as he looked up. "Sorry, did it hurt that much?" He had a worried expression on his face but you shook your head. "No I'm fine." you smiled. "I love you Ban." He started blushing when he heard you say that. "Heh, I love you too (name)." You guys pulled each other back in for another passionate kiss.

((Time skip because it's almost midnight here and I'm lazy xD))

You looked into Ban's eyes and had your hands on his shoulders. "You ready?" He asked, his hands gently grabbing at your hips. "Yes." He started to slowly enter you, you winced out and started to dig your nails into his back. "S..sorry..does it hurt?" He asked. You shook your head. "N..not anymore Ban." He smiled as he gently started to thrust in and out. This wasn't the rough sex that you two would normally have, it was slow and passionate. Was this Ban's way of apologizing for always going out at night..? Your thoughts suddenly snapped as you felt pressure on your body, looking up you saw that Ban was laying ontop of you, your fingers entwined with his as he slowly kept the pace of his hips steady. You started to moan out his name softly as he smiled, kissing you.
"B..Ban..I..I'm close." You said into the kiss, he started to thrust his hips a little bit faster, you moaned out his name so much as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling your hips to meet his thrusts. He growled like an animal as he felt you starting to get tighter around his member. "Ahh (n-name)..c..can I..?" You already knew what he was asking and you nodded. "Yes Ban, you can. Even if I do end up having your child I'll still be the happiest girl in the world." He nodded back at you, as he brought his lips closer to yours. "I'd be happy if you would have our baby." You tilted your head slightly but then threw it back as he grabbed your hips and started to move inside you faster and harder. "Ban! Oh Ban!" You moaned as you came all over his member. He growled and moaned out your name one last time as he started to release his seed deep inside of you. You both were a panting mess but you both looked into each other's eyes, smiling.

Before you could fall asleep, Ban had you wrapped up in his arms, his thumb gently caressing your hand. "(Name)." you softly groaned and looked up at him. "Yes Ban?" "If we're going to have a baby..I want to make sure that nothing will tear us apart." He said gently as he brought out the black ring that you loved. "(Name), will you promise to stay with me and raise the baby together?" His words were so meaningful you thought as you started crying. " soon to ask?"
You slightly laughed, "no you big weirdo! Yes I'll marry you!" You wiped away your tears and looked at him with a big smile. He smiled back, showing off his fangs and he slipped the ring onto your finger, pulling you into another kiss before falling asleep next to your fiancé. As you finally started to breathe softly next to him, he gently brushed away the strands of hair on your face and kissed your head. "Sweet dreams my dear (name), I love you."

((Gahh!! So like..I hope this was good! I seriously like to try my hardest at these stories!))

Ban x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now