Ban x Reader

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((The baby is coming (name)-chan! Huehue good luck!))

You were currently sitting up in the bed you and Ban shared, clutching the sheets so hard that your knuckles started to turn white. "Ah! B..Ban I can't ahhn move!" You screamed in pain, resting back slightly. "S-Shit! I..i don't want to move you in a situation like this!" He was panicking and didn't know what to do. "C..Call Elizabeth..King..Meliodis..anyone please! Gahh! B..Ban i..I feel like I need to push!" You were a crying and screaming mess, but Ban did listen to you and called up his friends. Meliodis agreed to help deliver your baby as well as Elizabeth coming to help you stay calm and clean up afterward. King came along as well but stayed outside with Diane.
"Common (name) you gotta keep pushing!" Meliodis said, Ban was holding one hand while Elizabeth was holding the other. "Common (name) your doing just fine, me and Ban are here." Elizabeth spoke in her soft and gentle voice. "Arg..Ban I seriously hate you right now for putting me in a situation like this! Ahh! It hurts! It hurts!"
Ban just slightly grinned " you too.."
"Shit, Elizabeth go and get some hot towels, (name) is losing a lot of blood here!" Ban's eyes widen as Elizabeth nodded and got up, running out of the room to get the water. "S..she'll be ok right?!" Ban shouted. "After the baby is born we can give her some of our healing power. She'll still be weak but at least she won't die from blood loss." Meliodis stated clearly. Elizabeth soon ran back into the room with the water and started to help clean up. "(Name) you better push now, the baby is only about half a push away from being born!" Meliodis smiled as Ban did as well. "I..I wanna see my baby!" Ban shouted as he sat by Meliodis and saw the baby being pushed. He was so intrigued by it and started smiling. "H..hey! has my hair color!" Ban said happily.


A loud cry filled the room, even King and Diane could hear it. You fell back onto all your pillows so exhausted. Meliodis started to clean and heal you as Elizabeth wrapped up your baby in a blanket to keep warm. She walked up to Ban, handing him the baby. "Congratulations you two it's a little girl." She smiled. "A..a girl?!" Ban said. "I'll be the most protective father of all times! I swear it! No boy is laying a finger on my princess!" He shouted as everyone laughed, including Diane as she watched from the window. You started to open your eyes, looking weakly at Ban as he walked over to you, showing you your baby girl. "She's..perfect.." you said tiredly.
Ban kisses your head, "yes she is. She has my fangs and my hair. But she has your (e/c) eyes." He smiled, not taking his eyes off the baby.
"What are we going to name her..?" You wondered.
"Hm, how about Luna?" Ban asked.
"Luna..I like that." You smiled and kissed your baby's head.
Meliodis and the gang walk up to your bed and said, "welcome to the world baby Luna. I'm Meliodis, your awesome uncle!"
" Elizabeth, and I will be your babysitter!"
King just looked so odded out, "eh..I'm is my pillow. You can take naps on it sometimes if you want."
Diane was still looking through the window, "I'm Diane, I can be a babysitter to! I can give you awesome piggy back rides so you can be up high!"
"And I'm Hog! I'll eat any of your table scraps!" She oinked.

"Thank you everyone, but I think me and Ban want some alone time with our new baby." You said softly.
"Sure no problem (name), give us a call later!" Meliodis said as they all leave. Ban looked over and gave you a small kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too Ban."
Now your family has started.

((Gahh!! A sweetheart said I should make a reader and Ban with the baby. So I did! I hope you guys liked it!))

Ban x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now