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"Nate, come out! Please!" I begged through the door.

I didn't get any reply, except for a few sobs from him.

"Nate. I know you miss them. I do too. But that is no excuse to hide from the world. That is no excuse to hide from me."

Nate didn't answer. He just cried. I sighed, pushed the coat hanger into the lock, and unlocked the door. I opened it to see Nate crying into his pillow.

"Nate. Please look at me." I whispered.

"It was my fault! I killed them!" he shouted into his pillow.

"No it wasn't. Stop blaming yourself." I sighed. "I'll make dinner tonight. You come down when you're ready."

"Ok." Nate muttered, still crying a bit. I stood up from the bed and walked downstairs. I started making dinner.

Nate didn't come down that night. I went up to check on him to find the door closed again, but not locked. There was a note on his door as well.


I'm sorry for not being the perfect brother. I love you.


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