A Gift

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Talbot sighed deeply as he stared at the cold and dim ring.

"I should probably give this to the Vongola now, seeing as I have no use of it now."

Talbot got up from his seat and made his way to the door. Halfway there, the ring suddenly glowed, giving off warmth Talbot had never felt before in his life.

Once it died down, a blond man with neon-orange eyes and Sky flames dancing on his head stood in front of Talbot. White undershirt and black vest could be seen under the black mantel adourned with gold chains.

"Primo." Talbot greeted him.

The blond man nodded in acknowledgement. "It is nice to see you again, Talbot. It seems you haven't change since the last time I saw you."

"Ah, yes. Those good old times." Talbot said with nostalgia.

The blond man smiled before putting a serious face.


Talbot arched an eyebrow. "What are you planning, Giotto?"

The blond man -Giotto- stared at Talbot. His hard gaze locked on him.

"We have made a decision."

"We? Ah, you mean the other bosses. And what decision have you made?" Talbot asked.

"We decided that it is still too early for Tsunayoshi to join our ranks and thus we are going to bend time and do our task. A gift from us to him."

Talbot didn't say anything. He only stood there, shocked, until laughter bubbled out of his mouth.

"AHAHAHAHA! That kid had really wormed his way into them eh?!" he asked in between his fits.

Giotto smiled and nodded. "As expected."

"He really is your grandson!"

Giotto's smile widen a bit. "Yes. And I am confident that he will change Vongola back to the Vongola I know. The Vongola that I had loved once."

Talbot nodded, already finished laughing his heart out.

"So, how are you going to do that? Rewind time? Or rise him from the ground?"

Giotto smiled. "That is something for them to know and for you to find out."

Talbot could only shake his head side to side in amusement.

"Don't be too harsh on them. They're still kids after all."

Giotto nodded. "I'll try not to." And disappeared in flames.

Talbot only chuckled. "Now, should I tell them?"

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