My Summers

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Flashback continued

I mean you can’t blame me for acting like a guy. What guys did was always more interesting to me compared to the girls. No offence to any proper girl. And when I was born I didn’t get a manual to tell me how to act like a girl so I turned out to be…you know myself? I took after my dad and older brothers in the love of soccer and my sister took after my mom’s sense in fashion. I think she hated me from birth because my hobby was to cut her clothes and ruin her beautifully decorated room. I was innocent. She can’t blame me for being a kid. My cousin, Hania was the complete opposite of me. She admired and loved my sister. She followed her around everywhere and did everything that my sister asked, like a pet. I was the wild child and the youngest in the family so I didn’t get along very well with the girls and ladies in my family. 

But my guy cousins were like everything to me. They were my life, my family. They were where I belonged. I mean I have been told at various occasions that I eat like a pig (or worse. Sorry playing just makes me really hungry all the time). Dress like a boy and never bother to brush my hair. So the guys accept me just fine while the girls complain about how disgusting I am and kick me out just because I said that mud could make a fairly good nail polish. You don’t even need to wait for it to dry and it’s super easy to take off as well. Well, it was their loss. They can’t tell a good idea when they hear it. So from my childhood years I have always stuck to the guys to keep my dignity and pride since I know how to play soccer better than any of them. My dad made sure of that.

Salam guys! How was everyone's Ramadan and Eid? I hope you guys had fun. I had a close coucin's wedding to attend to and my eid was crazy. By the way, what exactly is a mehindi? I am not really aware of the rituals of a brown wedding. So it was really crazy, but the food was amazing. Anyways, now that ramadan is over I will update more often Insh Allah(SWT). So without further ado, read, comment and vote. And remember, the more love I get the more I will update.

-Sabiha (8 years old)- Flashback continued

II head downstairs with hamza tailing me and am met with the delicious aroma. My dad’s cooking is the best in the world. But when my mom and aunt come around I panicked. Because I am supposed to dress like a proper girl since my mom owns that sort of store and into the fashion business and so I am the future heir and model so I need to act like the part. My mom scurries over to me quickly before my aunt sees me and tells me to go and change into something nicer than my pajamas. I quickly head up and shuffle through my clothes realizing that I only have one dress which is now too small for me and I don’t really have any skirts either. So I just put on sweat pants, a soccer jersey and grab a cap quickly tucking away my hair inside it.

My room is covered with posters of famous soccer players and my trophies. I know I am only 8 years old nut my dad is hyper with clubs and activities and camps.  So he enrolled me in a private school for the gifted and talented. I have been in soccer leagues since I could walk no scratch that since I could crawl. Since, my dad has been coaching the leagues in our neighbourhood.

I head downstairs to find everyone already seated. I do a quick scan and see Janessa(my oldest and only sister) and Harris (Hamza’s oldest brother) deep in conversation, Hania (my cousin and hamza’s sister) playing with her baby sister, my brother inhaling the food and the parents talking dramatically about their businesses.

Taking advantage of the situation I grab my plate and sneak out. Our mansion is huge but dad got it changed and so now it’s like two slightly larger than normal houses. We live in one and the other is reserved and still under construction. I walk around to the huge fields and scan the area around the swings just to make sure it was clear. Satisfied, I plop down and happily start munching on the goodness.

Boom! A soccer ball hits me straight in the head. Startled and scared to be found I look up to see Hamza making his way over.

“What is your problem?” I asked annoyed.

“What? I was bored. Beside I got you back for this morning.” He says nonchalantly while shrugging and then sits down next to me and starts eating my food.

“Hey that’s my food! You eat like a pig.”

“Well look who’s talking it’s not like you eat like a lady. What am I saying you don’t even eat like a human.”

“Shut up I’m a kid.” I state my excuse lamely but it seemed that he had already moved on from the topic.

“Yeah, yeah…so did you hear about our camping trip being cancelled? It’s because someone is coming to visit us. I think it’s your aunt. You know your mom’s sister, Ally.” He explains.

“Oh…I like her she’s really nice but why is our camping trip cancelled?” I whine. No offense I loved my aunt, Muslim or not and her family was just as amazing but our yearly and traditional camping trip with the Ali family were a blast and I would die for them. But on the other hand Aunt Ally was a blast as well.

I quickly ran inside to confirm this.

“Hey dad? Is our camping trip cancelled because Aunt Ally is coming over?” I asked him uncertainly.

“No fuzz ball who told you that?” he asked pinching my cheeks. He gave me that nickname because I had chubby cheeks when I was a baby.

“Hamza.” I grumbled under my breath. Shouldn’t have trusted him.

“No. But Aunt Ally is coming with us on this one.”

Happier than before at the news I give him a bone crushing hug and leave to give Hamza a piece of my mind for lying to me….

-End of Flashback-

 Author's Note:

After this the real story will start but I will keep putting in flashbacks of her childhood so you guys have an idea of her personality and the mood to compare it to the present. Salam. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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