he posts a picture of you.

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I recently posted a picture on Instagram about 1 day ago from one of my shoot with Givenchy. I was in the middle of a peaceful relaxing shower until I was startled by my phone going off nonstop. I quickly washed off the soap rinsing my body. I got out and checked my phone the notifications were coming from Instagram and twitter. I went on Instagram I saw that Cristiano had re-posted the pic that I had uploaded from a day ago with the caption saying "stunning" (pic above) awe I thought as I blushed. I  commented back "☺️" I was getting lots of nice comments and but mostly bad.. Then I got suspicious about my twitter blowing up so I went and I couldn't believe what I had read..

will it be love? / Cristiano Ronaldo & R. M  C. F team.❤️Where stories live. Discover now