How to Come up With a Super Awesome Plot

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So you're sitting in class (or home, or on a bus or train or at work or on an airplane, honestly you might even be standing, but who the fuck cares about that, it's not important. Anyway,) trying to think of an original plot that will blow people away, and will be so popular that your fucking heart explodes. But you can't because you're an unoriginal lazy asshole who has a C at best in English. Well honey this is the reality; you probably won't come up with a totally original amazing super popular (did I mention original?) plot.

What I'm telling you in this book is that it's okay to take ideas from other plots, so long as it's not copying it. What I mean by this is:

I was sitting down at a random restaurant in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. How I got here was all thanks to Wade. That fucker couldn't tell left from right, so why did I, Peter Parker (master of directions), feel the need to copy a cynical chimichanga loving anti-hero? I knew it was in my best interest to follow my guts rather than to trust his any day.

You can take the plot of "X follows Y's directions because X loves Y so much they don't want to tell Y that they flat out suck ass.", but don't use the characters in the same position and with the same idea. (Instead of making Wade be terrible at directions, you'd make Peter the bad one. Also instead of making Peter/Wade (whoever the fuck you want) get lost in the middle of nowhere, you could make him get lost in the middle of somewhere busy. Or even accidentally cross a border or something funny like that.)

Of course, if it's an original plot, you'd still have to credit the person like "I was inspired to make this by user GothAesthetic" because it's still technically stealing (because you took a few things and changed them, but you didn't change the plot).

Friendly reminder also: Most people may not like the fact that you're using their plot so if they tell you to take it down, just take it down instead of being a whiny little child.

If you're not completely sold on this idea just take a shower/bath bc the ideas will come to you.

Masturbating also helps.

Masturbating while showering/bathing is 100% amazing so do it if you want good ideas.

-タン ちゃん

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