Four Links

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         With the Four Swords drawn and the release of Gufuu. The four hero's travel back to Castle Town believing Gufuu would try to take over the peaceful town. Though they are not far off. It is not Gufuu who they encounter.

Vio's P.O.V.
After drawing the Four Sword and defeating the monster that was released with it. We headed to Castle Town. Or tried to. At least.

"How much further 'till the castle?" I ask, as I climb the rock.
"If we follow this path we should be able to see it!" Yelled the Link wearing green as he climbed down the rocks.
"Say, Let's rest a bit." I heard the one in red I believe say. The one in green soon speaks up again. Panic clear in his voice. "There's no such time! We need to warn dad and Zelda about Gufuu being released!" You could just hear the panic in his voice as he climbed down the rocks in almost a frantic way. Almost slipping and landing on his face in the process.
"Wait!" The one in red yelled. "Before that we should choose!" He smiled, standing on the rock. The one in blue looked over at him and asked almost in a growl. "Choose what?" The one in red seems to totally miss that there was a hint of a growl and continues with a large smile on his face.
"Well names of course! It would just get confusing if we were all called 'Link'" He chirped. He has a point. It would get confusing if we are all called Link.
"I'm wearing red, so I'll be Red.You would be Blue." She chirped pointing at the boy wearing blue. Which he received a "What?" from the one now named Blue.
"Violet can be uh...Vio." I stood there with my arms crossed not saying anything. I had no problem with the name in fact.
"And finally Green! So! What do you think?" The one now named Red asked.With a hopeful look in his eyes. Newly dubbed Green scratched the back of his head. "I guess it can't be helped. Feels a little odd though."
Blue on the other hand had other ideas. If he really had a brain that is.
"Hey! You can't go changing peoples names like that! I don't want to be called anything but 'Link'!" He yelled at Red, who seems obvious to that Blue was yelling at him. While Red continued onto his chatter. "Isn't it a wonderful Idea! I must be a genius!" He squealed with a dreamy look in his eyes.
While this went on I started to walk ahead hearing them continue their chatter.
"More like idiot!" Blue continues to yell at the red clad hero. "Just so you know, i'm not interested in cooperating with ya'll" He growled. I rolled my eyes as I walked passed him. "Well that's a relief." I smirked. "Having a brainless idiot with us would just bring us more trouble." But before I could get any farther away from him, he grabbed my collar and yelled in my face. "What did you say?! You talking crap!?" I just stared at him not amused. He really is a idiot. You probably would think he has no common sense. Truth be told I don't think he has any.
"Guys stop fighting! Where ain't going to get anywhere if we keep fighting. All four of us are the same person after all." Green tried to get the fighting to stop. Blue just kept on yelling.
"It makes me sick thinking that this guy's a part of me!" He yelled in Red's face. Making him tear up. Really this whole ideal is annoying.
Soon Green started going on and on about how he is the original Link. This only caused Blue to get even more enraged. Him staking out his sword and attacking Green with it. Yelling "Draw your sword! The winner's gonna be the main character!" While Green countered and yelled back. "Don't draw before saying that!"
Red decided to speak up beside me. "I wounder why our personality's are so different, when we are originally the same person." As he continues to watch the other two fight, Green explains to him.
"Our personality's split into four but are strength remains within us individually. I am aggressive. Blue is short-tempered and over-confidant. and Red you would be optimistic." He nods and then looks like he is thinking. He then slightly bounces on the spot for a minute before asking. "So,Vio's smart right?" He giggled.
I give them a bored look before replying. "Think of me as the calm, self-possessed person." I explain then look off down farther the mountain. "Huh?" I question as I see two people coming up here.
Soon all fighting stop when they seem to notice the people coming up the mountain.  

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