2 - Just One Day

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Jin woke up to the sound of his alarm, promptly ringing at 8 AM like it did everyday. He got up, cleaned himself up, and headed into the kitchen to cook himself some breakfast. It was the day after his first date with Eunji, and their date was still fresh in his mind. He could still picture her smile and the beautiful voice that came with it. Suddenly his phone rang, jolting him out of his daydream. He looked at his phone, immediately rolling his eyes when he saw who it was. Why was his manager calling him so early in the morning?


"Good morning Jin," his manager's voice was strained, it sounded like he just woke up too. "The producers of We Got Married just got in touch with me and said they wanted you to get more comfortable with Eunji for the next episode, so please try to meet her before your next filming, I know you've got enough time in your schedule for it."

"Oh alright, did they think we were too awkward in the first episode or something?"

"No it's not like that, but I think they want to speed up your relationship on the show. I forwarded you the email if you wanted to look at it."

"Arasseo, thanks for letting me know, have a good day."

He hung up the phone and finished making himself some breakfast. Were the producers trying to set us up together? I really don't want to make Eunji uncomfortable if she's not looking for a romantic relationship. He knew of quite a few people that have a rule to not date until their group disbands or stops making music. Suddenly Jungkook walked in from his room, interrupting Jin's train of thought.

"Good morning hyung!" he greeted warmly. Jin wasn't sure why, but the maknae was in a unnaturally good mood this morning.

"Yah, why are you so happy this early in the morning? Are you up to something?"

"I was just hoping you'd finally tell me about your date with Eunji."

"Aish...I told you to just wait for the episode to come out in another week."

Jungkook laughed, "Wae? Is it too embarrassing?"

"Aigoo, don't speak to your hyung like that," he scolded, getting up to clean up his dishes. When he turned around Jungkook was still looking at him with wide eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Will you at least tell me if it went well or not?"

"Oh fine," Jin plopped down on the couch, he laid his head back and shut his eyes, replaying the events that happened that night. "After the picnic we walked together and watched the sunset, and after that I drove her home, that's it."

"Ah hyung you're boring." he teased.

"Yah! What do you even know about dating?" At that moment Suga walked out into the living room, barely awake.

"Aish, why are you guys making so much noise right now?" He sat down on the couch next to Jin, "I don't know how you guys are still able to wake me up from another room."

Jin smiled, "Hey I'll buy you some earmuffs next time don't worry."

"What are you guys talking about anyway?" Suga asked.

Jungkook spoke up from the back of the room. "We were talking about his boring date with Eunji!"

Jin glared back at him, "Aish, when's the last time you went on a date huh?."

"I've been putting BTS first of course," he said, putting his head back down towards his food.

"So how was she? Are we going to have to call Eunji our sister in law soon?" Suga said, cracking his first smile of the morning.

Like a Butterfly | Jin and Eunji (BTS and Apink)Where stories live. Discover now