Constant Flight,Glitches and Self Defence

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Me: *Glides in* Ok so the reason for that not happening is because, Anti and Dark really only possess Jack and Mark at will or when needed to in desperate measures

Glitch: Well the process of it it hard. Usually if I focus my energy enough I can turn just about anything into glitches, except living life forms such as humans and animals, afterwards the things I turn into glitches, eventually return to their natural state unless broken as a glitch.

Wilford: *Small inhale through gritted teeth* Well, I used to be almost a pro before someone....*Looks at me*

Me: *Whistles awkwardly*

Wilford: *Sigh* Before she stopped me from using it all together unless there was an "Emergency"

Me: *Grumbles* Well sorry if I don't want you killing everyone....

Wilford: *Snaps* WHAT?!

Me: N-Nothing....Uh.....Moving On...

Cody: ........Ok,Google

Google: *Activates* Mr.Cody, To answer your question I use simple hand to hand combat unless the "enemy" is armed then I'll have to use my free roaming mode where I can easily switch from style to style of fighting within a matter of seconds.

Cody: Thank You Google!

Google: *Nods*

Me: *Back up against the wall by Wilford*

Wilford: I will say it one more time. It.Was.An.Accident.

Me: Still not letting you use your gun. LIGHT ANSWER THE QUESTION!

Light: *Flies down from roof* *Flies upside down* About 4-5 hours without a break but eventually my wings will get tired.

Cody: *Walks up to Mark,Jack,Anti and Dark* I REGRET NOTHING!!

Mark: Seriously?

Dark: *Small growl* You should.

Jack: Mmk Then Lad...

Anti: *Small Facepalm* GOD DAMN IT CODY!!


Me: BAI!!



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