Chapter One

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"I love you" words with so much meaning have kept me dreaming, but they don't tell me anything. They never tell me what kind of person he is, nor do they tell me if he is so sincere. However, if you were in my shoes where you're so in love, not with him as much as by the prospect of being admired, you would've definitely believed those three words. After all, making a rich and handsome guy like him fall before your feet isn't something not to brag about.

I am standing with my hands clenching and unclenching themselves. I feel nervous all of a sudden, time has passed by quickly and I have to face my fear.

"Don't forget. At four" Aaron whispers to my ear before brushing his lips against mine and giving me a taste of his, and for a second, only a second, I forget all about my worries. However, seeing him drive away and leaving me to let the words sink in gives me nothing but a punch in the gut.

I am alone to deal with this now, my mind fearfully announces.

How can I forget though? I wonder sarcastically. I am stuck in a dinner with him and his less agreeable mother and I can't refuse or show any sign of objection.

Aaron's mother..

He assured me countless times that it will go perfectly fine and she'll totally love me this time, but all my replies were of listing the exact counters we had with her and ended in her pursing both lips and excusing herself at the nearest chance.

It's gonna be worse this time.

Without letting my mind fall into hesitation, I walk into my humble house and into my bedroom, trying as much as possible to take thorough care of my outfit, makeup, hair and even the way I smile.

Too broad
Too awkward
Too yellowy

I will just not smile at all.

You may wonder why I have to be like a mannequin, composed and stiff all around her. I honestly don't know why I need to impress a person that much, I can just leave it all behind and live happily. Yet...

I have to be perfect for her, to be a woman worth her precious son who now goes around with a woman of a lower class.
I sigh, looking down to my slim tanned body suffocating in a knee length red tight dress. A Pearl necklace is hanging from my neck with matching earrings.

That will impress her. I hope.

I don't know how much time passed while I nervously tried to avoid biting my nails, but when I open my eyes I see that we are finally there ten minutes early. The large restaurant I barely keep track of its name.

Breathe. I tell myself as I feel my chest tightening, scenarios roaming my mind.

The moment I close my eyes for a deep breath, burying any other worries deep within me, I feel Aaron's hand taking mine and leading me inside the fancy restaurant to a far away three-seater table. Only two seats were free though, for I can see his mother sitting with excess dignity on her chair, glancing at her pocket watch in no visible expression.

"Here she is" Aaron mumbles beside me, and I wish I can reply without sounding rude. Of course there she is! She is pretty hard to miss.

"Hello Mother" Aaron smiles to her as he approaches, leaving my hand to hit the cold air after relishing in his warm grip.  His mother, Mrs McKellen , lifted her gaze to land on us, and I suddenly feel goosebumps running down my whole body.

"Seven minutes early" she says, tapping her watch then scanning me thoroughly "Splendid"

Aaron's smile grows wider upon hearing that and I admit I was a bit relieved to hear a new welcoming sentence other than "Oh you've brought that lady".
I slowly take my seat and look shyly at my hands, praying heavens that this entire thing will be over soon. The problem was, she doesn't yet know that we're engaged. Aaron and I chose to let her know after a while, sparing ourselves the drama, but it appears that this moment has arrived and I am not the least prepared.

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