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Ryan's POV

When I saw Blake's face I wanted to run to her and hug the life out of her, she was my little sister, as I was about to go to her, she turned to me and shook her head, her eyes glistened with tears as she looked at Kayden.

She smiled sadly at me before turning around and walking out the door. When she left anger consumed me, I was pissed I couldn't believe this was happening after all that Blake had been through. Standing up I head to the doors in hope of catching her, when I reached the door I heard my name being called by Nate turning around I spot something on the ground, reaching down I picked up my eyes widen in surprise when I see a pregnancy box, opening the already open box I pull out the test, inhaling a breath when I see the positive test.

Blake is pregnant and I'm fairly sure Kayden is the father. By now I was raging but I didn't show it, I didn't want him to know about her being pregnant yet, I wanted to know why he didn't push the slut away.

Hiding the test in my bag I walked back to the table sitting down I turned to face Kayden who was no longer sucking faces with the bitch, "Having fun cheating" I state simply, he looked at me confused "What are you on about" I grit my teeth in anger "Does the name Blake ring a bell" his eyes widen slightly "Shit" he mutters I scoff, I watch as he tries to call Blake but she doesn't answer, "Kayden wait let me try and call her" Nate says, a minute later he never got a response everyone else tried and no one got through, now I was beginning to worry, "Guys something doesn't feel right" I state, each of them looked at me with concern "What do you mean?" Dylan asks, "Blake walked in here and saw Kayden kissing the chick, she started to cry I went to follow her but she said not to" I look over to Kayden to see tears in his eyes "Kayden are you..." I trailed off; he wipes his eyes before scoffing "What have I done" I hear him mutter.

"We should go look for her" I nod my head at Max's suggestion, but before anyone had the chance multiple phones started going off, everyone picked up the phones and I saw I had a message from Blake opening it up it read:

'I love you guys so much, don't bother looking for me, you won't find me, I'll be back soon, but I don't know when, continue with your lives, I'm safe, I love you'

I looked up to see every one of the boys also reading their phones, "Guys" I say they all looked up at me "Blake..." Jayce trailed off I nod my head "I got one too" each of the others nodded too "We need to get back now" Kayden states firmly I could see Kayden trying really hard to keep it together, I know and he knows that he did wrong and really regrets it but I know that he is in love with Blake.

Everyone rushed out the front doors of the school and to the vehicles, speeding out of the car park we all headed home.

When we reached the house, I noticed that her car was there but her truck wasn't , jumping out of mine I ran into the house, "Blake" I shouted running in and out of rooms hoping to see her in one of the rooms.

But I found nothing, I ran upstairs to her room to find Kayden and the others already in there, Kayden was sat on the edge of her bed holding a teddy that he had given her for Valentine's day "Kayden" he turns his head to look at me, this time you could very well see the tears falling down his face, "This is my fault" he mutters I sigh "Kayden there's something else" I say I knew I had to do this, he looks at me his eyes big, "What?" he questions, reaching into my pocket I pull out the test, raising it up I show them "She dropped this when she left at lunch" a few gasps erupt around the room "Please tell me that, that isn't Blake's" I nodded.

"I-I'm going to be a father?" Kayden chokes out, I nod my head a smile forms on his face but fades seconds later "She's missing and has my baby too, I can't lose anyone else you all know this, we have to find her" everyone nods their heads, "How will we find her though?" Max speaks up "I still have a few of my old contacts if we need them" I look straight back at Max, "NO" Nathan shouts, everyone turns to look at him with surprise at the outburst, I knew exactly why he didn't want to go back to our past, back then we were in some pretty dark places, did some bad things and going back would only cause more drama and twice as much problems.

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