Chapter 5

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AN: Thanks flames_of_shana for reading my every chapter and voting. Your my best friend of all time. And thanks Diacryptic for making a cover for this story. Love y'all💓

My second wedding is a complete contrast to my first.

There are no laughing bridesmaids, no grand reception, and no swarm of guests from the nobility. The wedding is attended only by our immediate family members—my parents and siblings, Lizzie, Edward's mother, and of course Lord Masen—and a few members of the staff—Mister and Missus Stanley, Jenks, Alice and Jasper, and Maggie.

Rather than go to the church, Edward invites the minister to the manor house.

Instead of snowy white, I wear a deep blue gown that Edward had brought with him from Paris. It is pretty and not at all flashy, with a modest neckline and full sleeves edged with ivory lace. There is no veil of course, as a widow marrying a second time does not wear one. Neither do I carry a bouquet which is a sign of purity and thus unsuitable for me.

I had been most surprised when the gown had been delivered to my room a few days before the wedding. Inside the large, rectangular box and on the top of the neatly folded garment, there was an envelope with my name on it. I had picked it up with trembling hands, the handwriting familiar to me even after all the years that had passed.

Inside there was a letter addressed to me.

Dearest Isabella,

I saw this gown in a store window one morning when I was going for a meeting. Its style reminded me of your unassuming beauty, so I purchased it, even knowing that there was only a slim chance of giving it to you. Still, I hoped.

Today that hope has come to fruition. God has reunited me with you, and soon you will be mine for eternity. I cannot sleep for happiness!

Please wear this gown on our wedding day. I know that you will be the most beautiful bride ever whatever you choose to wear, but it will give me great joy to see you in this.

Yours, Edward.

How could I refuse his wish?

He could have commanded me to wear the gown, but no—he had made a request instead. And reading the first paragraph made my heart ache. It proved that even when he was far away from me, he had been thinking about me.

And so the gown had hung in my closet, a physical reminder of my fast approaching nuptials with Edward, until the day itself arrived.

It is a beautiful day with clear skies; only a few puffs of cotton clouds here and there. The warmth of the late summer sun caresses our skin. The ceremony takes place out in the rose garden, so we are surrounded with colours and fragrance.

Even the beauty of the day cannot prevent my heart from sinking as I take my place beside Edward. I am marrying this man. Can I honestly mean the vows I will take?

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God..."

The same words had prefaced my vows to Anthony. Had they not meant anything? If they had, how could have I cheated on him with Edward?

"I Edward Masen, take thee, Isabella Masen, to be my lawfully wedded wife..."

The voice reaching my ears remains smooth, but the pressure on my hand increases suddenly, making me look up and into Edward's eyes. Had it been that obvious my attention was wandering that Edward had to bring me back?

"...and there to I plight thee my troth."

He releases my hand, and the minister gestures to me. Mechanically I take Edward's hand, my thoughts chaotic.

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