Chapter 7 regular day at school

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Chapter 7

It was just a regular day at school nothing odd happens everyone is doing their own thing other than that Niall getting another note form his locker he chooses to avoid everyone even his own girlfriend Mandy.

Mandy's POV

I was getting a little worried about Niall he has been avoiding me all day and it wasn't a good thing or sign. As I approached to Niall at his locker I tapped him on his shoulder.

Niall's POV

I jumped and turned around to see a worried look on Mandy's face. Princess is everything okay ? I asked Mandy well not really Niall I'm worried about you what's going on Niall tell me please you have been avoiding me the whole day as Mandy said with a worried voice. Princess it's nothing I'm fine trust me please don't get so worried I'm the one who suppose to worry about my princess I'm really sorry for avoiding you the whole day as Niall said. Well it's okay Niall but I'm still worried about you as Mandy said with a worry voice.

Niall didn't know what to say so he had to come up with something and lie to her

Princess trust me I am fine nothing wrong I am fine I'm just a little overwhelmed as Niall said well how about we go grab lunch and maybe go home just me and you as Mandy said of course princess anything for you it's worth getting my stress out right now as Niall said. Maybe I have something that can make your stress go away Niall as Mandy gave Niall a little smirk hmm I wonder what that could be princess as Niall gave Mandy a little smirk as well.

As Niall grabbed Mandy's hand and took her to his car they both went off to grab some lunch and afterwards Niall had took Mandy back to her place where it was much more quiet. As we arrived to Mandy's place Mandy took Niall inside quickly and locked the door and took him up to her room.

Niall's POV

So what did you had in mind to take out my stress ?? As Niall said a little curious well umm make love with you as Mandy's cheeks turned bright red wait princess are you sure you're ready I don't want to rush you so fast princess as Niall said with a curious worried voice I'm sure I'm ready Niall your the only person I would ever make love to as Mandy said than we shall make love but safety first as Niall pulled out a condom from his bag you keep condoms in your bag ? As Mandy questioned Niall keep them Just for you I may never know when your ready to make love but today is the the day that I get to make love to my one and only princess as Niall smiled.

Zayn's POV

As I came home I noticed Niall's car well I don't mind him staying here he's like my brother from another mother aha. It was 8 o'clock I usually come home late because I hang out at Jen's place. All of sudden I heard some strange noises from my little sisters room. As I went upstairs I slightly put my ears against the door I heard moans coming from Mandy's room.

Niall's POV

I cannot believe I actually made love to my princess I mean it was the best feeling ever but at the same time I don't want Zayn to find out or get mad at me for making love with his baby sister. Mandy got tired from all moaning and stuff so she fell asleep she always looked cute when she is sleeping in my arms. I mean nothing can tare us apart but these notes are really scaring me what do they even mean ? I want to live my life I want to spend the rest of my life with my princess of course Mandy but I'm so scared.

Niall got up and put on his shorts as he approached to the bathroom he had seen another note attached to the mirror. He grabbed the note and read it he was really worried and sacred he didn't want to tell Mandy knowing she'll be in danger and He didn't want nothing happening to his princess no not one bit. Niall had put the note in his bag and got back to bed with Mandy and thinking bout what those notes even meant. He couldn't sleep at all not one bit sleep Niall had gotten that night. He was so tired to go school the next morning.

Mandy's POV

I woke up to a very sleepy Niall. Niall is everything okay baby ? As Mandy said with a worried voice Mhm oh I didn't sleep at all last night princess I am so damn tired I can't even get up as Niall yawned we can stay home if you like ? As Mandy said yes please can we just stay home and cuddle all day princess as Niall begged Mandy to stay home of course baby we can stay home and cuddle all day as Mandy smiled

It was just a regular day like always non of us bothered going to school today Zayn had seen that Niall hasn't slept all night Mandy is never in the mood to go to school and Zayn he was just lazy and tired so he decided to stay home and go to Jen's place of course.

As Zayn left it was just Mandy and Niall She was still worried about Niall She wanted to know what's going on Mandy had a feeling that Niall is hiding something from her and she's really worried about it. Mandy has to find out what Niall is hiding from her.  

End of chapter 7

Will Mandy even dare to find out what Niall is hiding ? Will she dare to go into Niall's personal things and find out something we'll see what happens next in chapter 8.

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