Chapter 27: Epilogue

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A few months later...

Ben knocked into me in the corridor, he does that. I've grown accustomed to the little things he does to show he's not pleased, but I don't care. I was too deep in my A-Level revision to really pay much attention and with Dan by my side nothing can faze me.
I gripped my books to my chest and kept walking to the library where Dan, Chris and PJ were waiting for me. I smiled at them in greeting and quickly took the empty seat at the table. 

I had just gotten back from seeing the colleges on-site counsellor and she was much nicer than the one I used to have, she understood me. Dan encouraged me to see her and I'm glad I took his advice. They were all staring at me as I sat down and spread my books out of the desk. 
"What?" I finally asked. 
"Nothing," they replied in unison which was incredibly creepy. 
"Just you look happy," Dan clarified. 
"I always look happy." I blushed deeply as the guys continued to stare at me with big smiles engraved onto their faces. 
"Exactly." Dan leaned forward and kissed me lightly. 
"Ew! PDA!" Chris exclaimed and hid his face behind his hands. 
"Oi, you and PJ are so much worse!" I countered. Him and PJ had been going out for a couple of months now and they were an adorable couple, after Chris had been so happy about Dan and I's relationship we decided to help him get with PJ... which was surprisingly easy.
 "Shut up." Chris blushed and slumped into his chair. PJ chuckled and reached for Chris's hand, he kissed it lightly before dropping it back down. Chris blushed even more and put a book in front of his face so we couldn't see the tomato colour it was turning. 


After college I headed home, usually I hung out with Dan but he told me he had plans tonight - so I had nothing to do except listen to music and scroll through Tumblr. The time seemed to drag for once, usually the internet consumed my time but not today. The night seemed boring without Dan. 

My phone buzzed and I saw I had a text from him: 
Come to mine quick
I looked at it in confusion and worry. I hopped out of bed and rushed out of the door, I ran to Dan's house within a matter of seconds and knocked on the door. Dan opened it and embraced me in a hug without saying a word. 
"Are you okay?" I asked him and pushed him away to inspect him, but he seemed unharmed. 
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"
"Your text..." I trailed off. 
"Oh yeah, that." He chuckled. "Just, follow me."

He gripped my hand and I pulled me into the living room. The lights were off, it would've been dark had there not been candles dotted around the room. Not real ones, electronic ones (because if they were real ones then Dan probably would've knocked them over and set his house on fire.)  I wondered if there had been a power cut but my house was fine so that wouldn't be it.
Dan opened the door fully for me to see inside and the candles appeared to lead to a table in the middle of the room, a bouquet of flowers was sitting in a vase on top of the table. 
"Dan, what is this?" I questioned, my eyes tearing up as I realised he had set up a surprise dinner date for the both of us, no one had ever done something so special for me before. 
He didn't answer my question, instead, he led me to a chair and pulled it out for me to sit on like the gentleman he is. I smiled at him. He disappeared into the kitchen and when he re-appeared he had two plates of food in his hand. 
"Sorry it's not much, I'm not a great chef," he told me as he set down a plate of spaghetti bolognese in front of me. 
"Not much? This is amazing, thank you." He didn't realise how incredible was to even think about doing something this sweet for me.  "But what is this for?"
"Well, I thought we could do something special. We've been together for half a year now."
"It was six months last week," I pointed out and he chuckled as he poured Coke into our glasses. 
"Yes, but we didn't do anything because we had that coursework deadline... besides this works better."
"How so?" 
"Well." He paused and held up his glass to me. "Here's to six months together and almost four months drug and panic attack free." I clinked my glass against his and smiled. 

Since the night I left Ben's party I stuck to my word, I never touched cannabis again. It wasn't too hard as it's not exactly an addictive drug, it was only hard to give up because that (coupled with alcohol) used to numb the pain of reality. Dan supported me every step of the way and with my new counsellor it became apparent that I didn't need anything to help me through life. What I wouldn't tell Dan is that I'm not completely panic attack free but I was getting better, it was all thanks to him. 
I still have my dark days, I guess we all do, but life seems brighter now than it ever did before. I guess some things do work out well in the end. My path was routed towards disaster but Dan had stopped me before it was too late to turn back and led me to safety. 

"I can't believe you did this for me," I told him. "I feel special." 
That was the best way to describe how he made me feel inside. He made me feel loved, like I was the only one he had ever wanted and would ever want. He made me feel normal. It was amazing to know he had seen me at my best and definitely at my worst but he was still here. He was still here for me and I felt like he always would be. He made me feel special. 
"You are," Dan told me without hesitation and I saw in his eyes that he was telling me the truth. 

AN: The end,
hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
- Rach x

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