"Mikai we just met." Rorie said. "I don't care,I love you." "Stay for the night Mikai."Skylar said. "OK." Later that night the three were watching a scary movie. When it got really scary Rorie would lean onto Mikai's shoulder. "Its ok Rorie." Then she looked up. Mikai took Rorie's hand and snuggled with her. Almost at the end of the movie all three of them were fast asleep. In the morning the three woke up and had breakfast. "Thanks for everything." Mikai said.
"No problem." The girls said. Later after Skylar left Rorie went to Mikai's house with him. When they got there they sat on the couch and Mikai turned on the TV. "Mikai I need to tell you something. When I first saw you I thought we were made for each other. Mief'was are rare there is only me you Kawaii~Chan and Michi. When you said you love me was that true?" "Yes!" Mikai said. "I love you too!"