Chapter 1

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Nora's POV

"Hey Rosa? Can I talk to you upstairs please?" I asked my sister as I came downstairs

"Yeah sure" she said getting up and following behind me, once we got to our room I quietly shut the door behind me and locked the door so our mother and father didn't walk in

"Is something wrong Nora?" She asked and I shook my head

"Have you noticed that we look nothing like mom and dad? Normally people look like their parents but we look nothing like them and have you noticed that during a full moon we both have been getting sick and mom doesn't know why even if she took us to the doctor all the time" I rambled and Rosa stared intently at me

"Now that you mention it, I do notice that we look nothing like mom and dad, do you think that we where adopted, they would have told us" she said

"It's possible Rosa, I wish we where able to do research on our real parents if we aren't mom and dads real kids" I replied covering my face with my hands

"I do to Nora, but we don't know anything about our real parents, but let's see if mom has the hospital band from when we where born, normally all new mothers keep it" Rosa suggested and I nodded as we got up and unlocked our bedroom door, once we walked out we slowly walked into our parents room and opened their closet door.

I looked up and saw a box labelled 'Rosa & Nora', I pointed to it and Rosa being the taller one out of the two of us grabbed the box and put it on the floor,

Rosa popped the lid off the box and we saw what looked to be hundreds of papers and photos, Rosa and I looked at each other and I picked up a piece of paper and saw it was labelled 'werewolf', I read over the paper in my hand and one section caught my eye, I showed it to Rosa and her eyes widened and she looked at me.

"Do you think we're really werewolves?" She asked and I shrugged

"The paper says that mom found us last year as babies in an abandoned cabin in England but how could we go from 2 month olds to 16 year olds in a matter of a year" I questioned

"Well look here, it says that baby werewolves can grow into their teen years in a matter of a year or two, faster if their the child or children of a deputy and leader or an alpha male and alpha female, do you think that if we are wolves then our parents could be deputy and leader or alpha male and alpha female?"  She asked and I shrugged

"Who knows Rosa, but if we are wolves, why would mom want to take us?" I asked as Rosa picked up another paper

"This one says that wolves need their parents to show them how to shift, if they never shift then the wolf would become very weak and even though the person would still have it, they would be human and not a werewolf" Rosa explained and I tilted my head in confusion

"Do you think that mom and dad are trying to turn us human? What age do we become full human if we don't shift?" I asked as Rosa's eyes scanned the paper

"We have 2 more years, 16 is when we start growing at human pace but who knows if we would find our real parents by the time we're 18" Rosa sighed

Just then we heard the front door unlock, Rosa and I looked at each with panic evident in our eyes, we knew our 'father' would flip if he saw us in their room, we quickly put everything back the way it was but took a few papers and photos for research at school the next day and quietly but quickly ran out of our 'parents' room and back into our room, we shoved the papers and photos in our school bags and quickly turned on our TV and PS3 and popped in a random game, starting it quickly to look like we've always been in our room.

Our door then opened and our parents stood in the doorway looking at us

"Hi mom, hi dad" we said at the same time

"Hi girls, how was your day?" Our mom asked

"It's been fine, just playing the PS3 all day, how was date night?" I asked

"It was great girls, it's 10:30pm though so I think it's time for bed, you two have school in the morning" our dad said and we nodded

"Alright, goodnight" we responded and they shut our door, Rosa powered down the console and looked at me sternly

"We need to find out who our real parents are... As soon as possible"

A/N: hi everyone, I finally got around to starting the sequel haha, I hope you guys will like the sequel because I have a lot more planned for the sequel 😊👍🏼

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