Chapter 1

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The beginning of this chapter is the same as the sneak peak I gave you guys before. Hence why I have made it in "italic". If you've already read the sneak peak, you can just skip it, and go for the new, yummy stuff. 

Happy reading! 


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I looked out the window. Another day with unbearable heat. I almost wished we were still in Canada with snow up to our ears. But I would never openly admit that. Mom liked it here, and that was good enough for me. She had been through a tough time lately. I leaned my forehead against the glass.

The move had been thanks to her. After breaking up with Bill, her latest husband, she decided that we needed a climate change. For me, that meant moving closer to the United States of America, not Australia. But I wasn't going to burst her happy bubble. I couldn't. What kind of daughter would I be if I demanded she let her dreams go?

With a heavy sigh, I pulled the curtains closed. It wasn't going to be dark anytime soon, and I wanted to take a nap. Thankfully my first week of school was over in two days. It felt like forever, much longer than the last few times.

"Mia?! How many times must I call for you before you answer?"

"Yes, mom?" I shouted back. My eyes drifted automatically to my open bedroom door, though I knew she wasn't standing there. It was late in the afternoon. Mom never walked upstairs unless it was for sleeping or getting ready for a date.

"Can you come down? Jack is arriving soon, and Rick is here!"

Typical, I thought. Once again I was the babysitter for her toys. It took her exactly 12 hours to get a date in this town, two days to find someone that she called "husband-material", and one week to make it official with him. That didn't stop her from having more than one though. She just kept the others well-hidden.

Jack was the guy she officially dated. They had their one month's anniversary tonight. "Sure, mom", I muttered as I made my way down the stairs. "Don't I always come when you call?" I asked sarcastically with a low voice. My bare feet made squeaky sounds on the wooden floor and I made sure that my sweaty palms glided noisily against the railing.

"Aren't you a little old to make such comments?" a voice asked next to me when I took the last step down.

My breath caught in my throat. The voice was way too familiar. Ignoring him, and the pounding in my chest, I refused to look at him. "Where's mom?" My voice was as cold as I could make it. Grandma would've been proud of me.

"Kitchen", he answered easily. I forced my feet to walk towards the room he had pointed out. His footsteps told me he was following behind me closely. I could feel the warmth radiate from his body. "Oh, come on, Mia, I was just trying to be funny."

I turned around in the doorway. "Rick, shut the fuck up. I'm not in the mood." Flipping him off, I entered the kitchen and shut the door behind me. A grunt sounded from outside. Smiling to myself, I leaned against it. "You look beautiful, mom." She truly did. A short ivory dress with a low back adorned her body. The soft fabric hugged her petite body in all the right places. She was very fit for her age, which made it possible for her to wear such things. We were polar opposites. Where she was thin, I was chubby. I had blond hair, while she had brown. At the moment it was up in a high ponytail.

"Thank you, darling." She turned towards her daughter. Big diamond studs were dangling from her ears and thick lashes made her green eyes seem even more catlike then they already were.

"Honestly, you look amazing. Now get out of here and let Rick see what a sexy mama you are." And let me escape the nightmare of having to see the proof of what a failure I am as a daughter.

She laughed. "Stop that. I'm not that sexy." As she said it she spun around in front me.

"What are you still doing in here?" she suddenly asked. "Go entertain Rick!" Ushering me out of the room, she smiled at the younger man. "The roses were lovely, by the way", she said softly to him.

"Thank you, Cecilia." He was standing where I had left him. "They match your dress", he laughed.

I left them alone. Rick had come over several times and I still didn't get why. The logical part of me said that it was because he was my mom's toyboy, but my more romantic mind argued that it was for me. Tough I had never seen Rick and mom snuggle in front of a movie, or kiss.

Making my way through the living room and into the kitchen, I saw the roses. A dozen white roses stood in a high, blue vase in the middle of our kitchen island. Oh great, she would never stop talking about this. What bugged me was the fact that they were white. White roses meant secret or purity.

As I stood there, looking at the roses and thinking, I didn't hear Rick come up behind me. So when he put his arms around my waist and blew his hot breath on my ear, I screamed.

"What the fuck, Rick?!" I pushed at his hands. "That wasn't funny!"

He released me and chuckled. "Sorry, sorry." I turned towards him. He raised his hands, palms forwards. "I was just going to say that I was leaving."

"Why didn't you do that then?" I sighed. He continued to smile. Placing my hands on my hips, I pointed to the roses. "They are gorgeous, Rick."

"Thank you. I selected them with care", he said sarcastically. I looked at him, my eyebrows raised. "Thank you", he said again, softer this time.


We both turned our heads to look in the direction of my mother's voice. The open door to the hallway showed the couple kissing. I looked away. Jack was quite a few years younger than my mom, and for me, it showed. He knew nothing of parenting and treated me like his little sister instead of the daughter of his girlfriend.

My mom wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned back. Her red lips were pulled into a silly smile. "I'm so happy you came."

"Of course", he answered sweetly. "Anything for you my darling." I made gagging noises as he leant in once again to kiss her. He laughed.

As the couple continued to suck faces, I turned to Rick. To my surprise he was looking at me, and not at my mom. His brown eyes sparkled. It made me suspicious. Why would he look at me like that? Wasn't he my mother's boyfriend? I cast another look at Jack. He didn't seem the least bothered by Rick's presence. His attention was fully focused on my mom. The loving look in Jack's eyes made me a little envious. How would it feel to have a man look at you like that? Unwillingly, my eyes moved back to Rick. He met my gaze steadily. My cheeks heated under the intense stare.

"Oh Mia." My mother's voice brought through the haze in my head. Still, mine and Rick's gazes stayed locked. "Since I won't be back tonight, I put some extra money next to the phone. Buy yourself some snacks or something, okay?"

I sighed. "Mom, I'm not a child anymore."

"You will always be my cute little baby", she laughed. Her newly manicured hand stretched out toward my cheek to pull it. "Be a good girl now, Mia". With another soft laugh she released me. The marks from her nails stung. Still, I couldn't help but smile at her. I never wanted to grow up. "Be my good 20-year old girl", my mom cooed. She left Jacks embrace long enough to hug me.

When she pulled back, she gave Rick a quick wink. So quick I barely noted it. But since my whole body was tuned to notice everything my mother did, I didn't miss it. Oh, how I wished I had. Rick gave her a big smile, and put his left arm around my shoulder. His fingers touched the bare skin on my arm, right below the end of my sleeveless t-shirt. Goosebumps erupted over my whole body.

I swiftly took a step forward. It forced him to drop his arm. "Have fun tonight, mom", I said.

"I sure will", she answered and smiled at Jack. He looked at her with such intensity that both my mother and I blushed. "Well, have fun now, kids". She added, before spinning around towards the door. Jack took her hand and kissed it, waved to me and dragged her out through the door.

The door closed witha soft thud. Neither I nor Rick said anything. It was like time had frozen.    

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