Five best friends are moving to London and are going to the Uni.
They are meeting five boys at the uni. They are going to the same uni for a half year, but after the holiday the boys leave the uni.
Where ard they? What happened to them ? I guess to...
Kate and Niall sat down and began to eat their breakfast.
After a little both of them finished their breakfast. I knew that they would finish fast. The two of them love eating.
I hope we find cute outfits and cute shoes to wear for tonight. I want to impress Harry.
He said he would take me on a date, and to be honest I love the idea of him taking me on a date.
"Okay guys ready ? " Liam asked interrupting my thoughts.
" Yeah " Niall answered still with food in his mouth.
" Okay guys let's go " Liam said again.
We slowly got up from our seats and started walking out if the breakfast area.
" How many time do you guys need to change ? "Liam asked.
" Fifteen or twenty minutes " Kate said.
" Okay see you in twenty minutes guys." Liam said and started walking with Louis and Harry to their hotel rooms.
I started walking with Julia and Eleanor to our room.
Kate started walking with Perrie and Zayn and Niall started walking next to each other chatting around.
" What's up my girls ? " Eleanor asked.
" I hope we find some cute outfits to wear" I said taking a breath before continuing " And beside that I'm beyond excited for tonight" I finished.
" Omg Same " Julia said excitement clearly in her voice.
Than we walked to the elevator and met there the others.
It was really no need to walk alone to the elevator.
We got in and than everyone started laughing.
After the laughter died down, there was a long awkward silence.
The elevator moved to the floor we stayed at, and opened the doors.
Everyone went to their rooms.
" Why was that so awkward? " I asked Eleanor and Julia.
" I don't know " Julia said.
" I hope it doesn't get this awkward in the mall or tonight at the restaurant. " Eleanor said.
" Are the other students and the teacher gone? " I asked.
" Yeah I talked to the teacher this morning" Julia paused for a while and then started talking again. "He said that we still can't go into the city because of what we did at the first day and that they won't come back till tomorrow morning, because they are visiting some place near Paris but it wouldn't make sense if they come back to the hotel today because they have sightseeing the next morning with guide that couldn't come today so we can stay up and we can go to the restaurant in peace " she finished probably exhausted of the things she explained to us.
"Yass" Eleanor and I said at the same time and high fived each other.
" So we have plenty time to come back to the hotel " Eleanor said.
After Eleanor said that we entered our room and everyone went to their suitcases to grab something to wear.
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